
Apr 03, 2024, 10:52 PM


Apr 03, 2024, 10:52 PM

BARCELONA – Spanish authorities have actually disallowed around 70 Bolivian nationals from disembarking a cruise liner in Barcelona due to an absence of EU entry visas, avoiding the ship with hundreds on board from continuing its journey till the scenario was dealt with.

The cruise liner, MSC-Armonia, which started its journey in Brazil, showed up in Barcelona early on Tuesday and was set up to leave for Corsica off the French coast later on that day, according to travelers’ accounts and specialised maritime sites.

The Bolivian guests had “appeared to have proper paperwork” when they boarded the vessel in Brazil, however their visas ended up being void to get in the European Schengen location, MSC stated.

Travelers were not enabled to leave the ship till twelve noon on Wednesday and they needed to reveal their passports in advance, Paul Ibarguengoitia, 26, who was taking a trip with his moms and dads and auntie and boarded the ship on Sunday in southern Spain, informed Reuters.

“We have actually been informed there will be some appropriate info revealed a long time today however we were likewise informed that the other day,” Ibarguengoitia stated, fearing they would miss out on a prepared getaway in Venice, Italy, following the cruise and a return flight due to the hold-ups.

4 police car were parked by the ship in the port and some travelers were seen leaving and entering it on Wednesday, a Reuters reporter stated.

The Spanish federal government’s Catalonia delegation stated on Wednesday it was dealing with the authorities, Bolivian authorities and Swiss-Italian operator MSC Cruises to fix the concern.

“The ship stays in the port while we are dealing with authorities in this complicated procedure,” MSC stated in a declaration, without offering a factor for the hold-up or the variety of guests impacted.

Bolivia’s foreign ministry stated in a declaration on Tuesday it was MSC’s duty to inspect travel files and develop a service, however it was dealing with authorities to solve the circumstance. REUTERS