Weight Loss Not Enough to Sustain T2D Remission

Weight Loss Not Enough to Sustain T2D Remission

Very few patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) achieve and sustain diabetes remission via weight loss alone, new research suggests.

Among more than 37,000 people with T2D in Hong Kong, only 6% had achieved and sustained diabetes remission solely through weight loss up to 8 years after diagnosis. Among those who initially achieved remission, 67% had hyperglycemia at 3 years.

People who lost the most weight (10% of their body weight or more) in the first year after diagnosis were most likely to have sustained remission.

The study “helped to confirm the low rate of diabetes remission and high rate of returning to hyperglycemia in real-world practice,” Andrea Luk, MD, of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, told Medscape Medical News. “Over 80% of diabetes remission occurred within the first 5 years of a diabetes diagnosis. This is in line with our understanding that beta cell function will gradually decline over time, making diabetes remission increasingly difficult even with weight reduction.”

The study was published on January 23, 2024, in PLOS Medicine.

Early Weight Management Works

Recent clinical trials have demonstrated that T2D remission can be achieved following sustained weight loss through bariatric surgery or lifestyle interventions, the authors noted. In this study, they investigated the association of weight change at 1 year after a diabetes diagnosis with the long-term incidence and sustainability of T2D remission in real-world settings, using data from the territory-wide Risk Assessment and Management Programme-Diabetes Mellitus (RAMP-DM).

A total of 37,326 people with newly diagnosed T2D who were enrolled in the RAMP-DM between 2000 and 2017 were included and followed until 2019.

At baseline, participants’ mean age was 56.6 years, mean body mass index (BMI) was 26.4 kg/m2, and mean A1c was 7.7%, and 65% were using glucose-lowering drugs (GLDs).

T2D remission was defined as two consecutive A1c < 6.5% measurements at least 6 months apart without GLDs currently or in the previous 3 months.

During a median follow-up of 7.9 years, 6.1% of people achieved remission, with an incidence rate of 7.8 per 1000 person-years. The proportion was higher among those with greater weight loss: 14.4% of people who lost 10% of their body weight or more achieved remission compared with 9.9% of those with 5%-9.9% weight loss, 6.5% of those with 0%-4.9% weight loss, and 4.5% of those who gained weight.

After adjustment for age at diagnosis, sex, assessment year, BMI, other metabolic indices, smoking, alcohol drinking, and medication use, the hazard ratio (HR) for diabetes remission was 3.28 for those with 10% or greater weight loss within 1 year of diagnosis, 2.29 for 5%-9.9% weight loss, and 1.34 for 0%-4.9% weight loss compared to weight gain.

The incidence of diabetes remission in the study was significantly lower than that in clinical trials, possibly because trial participants were in structured programs that included intensive lifestyle interventions, regular monitoring and feedback, and reinforcement of a holistic approach to managing diabetes, the authors noted. Real-world settings may or may not include such interventions.

Further analyses showed that within a median follow-up of 3.1 years, 67.2% of people who had achieved diabetes remission returned to hyperglycemia — an incidence rate of 184.8 per 1000 person-years.

The adjusted HR for returning to hyperglycemia was 0.52 for people with 10% or greater weight loss, 0.78 for those with 5%-9.9% weight loss, and 0.90 for those with 0%-4.9% weight loss compared to people with weight gain.

In addition, diabetes remission was associated with a 31% (HR, 0.69) decreased risk for all-cause mortality.

The study “provides evidence for policymakers to design and implement early weight management interventions” for people diagnosed with T2D, the authors concluded.

Clinicians also have a role to play, Luk said. “At the first encounter with an individual with newly diagnosed T2D, clinicians should emphasize the importance of weight reduction and guide the individual on how this can be achieved through making healthy lifestyle choices. Pharmacotherapy and metabolic surgery for weight management can be considered in appropriate individuals.”

Overall, she added, “clinicians should be informed that the likelihood of achieving and maintaining diabetes remission is low, and patients should be counseled accordingly.”

Similar to US Experience

Mona Mshayekhi, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of medicine in the division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee, commented on the study for Medscape Medical News.

“These findings mirror clinical experience in the US very well,” she said. “We know that sustained weight loss without the use of medications or surgery is extremely difficult in the real-world setting due to the hormonal drivers of obesity, in combination with socioeconomic challenges.”

The study was done before newer weight-management strategies such as glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists were widely available, she noted. “This actually strengthens the finding that weight loss without the routine use of medications has a multitude of benefits, including diabetes remission and reduction of all-cause mortality.”

That said, she added, “I suspect that future studies with more modern cohorts will reveal much higher rates of diabetes remission with the use of newer medications.”

“Our ability to help our patients lose meaningful weight has been limited until recently,” she said. “With new tools in our armamentarium, clinicians need to take the lead in helping patients address and treat obesity and fight the stigma that prevents many from even discussing it with their providers.”

The study did not receive funding. Luk has received research grants or contracts from Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Biogen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, Junshi, Lee Pharmaceutical, MSD, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Sanofi, Shanghai Junshi Biosciences, Sugardown, and Takeda and received travel grants and honoraria for speaking from AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, and MSD. Mshayekhi reported no conflicts of interest.

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