Weekly Horoscope: February 19

Weekly Horoscope: February 19

Pisces season began last week, bringing the end of the tropical season. With change around the corner, this time of year comes with a transient vibe.

Creative drives are ignited as love planet Venus meets with action planet Mars on Thursday, February 22, at 2:14 AM—this represents a passionate spark! Love isn’t just a passive feeling; it’s something to be performed.

Artistic liberties are taken when Mercury, the planet of translation, enters poetic Pisces on Friday, February 23, at 2:28 AM. Abstract thinking is preferred over the coming weeks.

Details are revealed during the full moon in Virgo on Saturday, February 24, at 7:30 AM. There’s more to the story than meets the eye! People may be doing deep dives to research something hidden in plain sight. 

The ruler of this full moon, Mercury, is under the beams of the sun, representing obscured details. Definitive conversations are unfolding and information is shared, however selectively. A positive mental attitude can combat paranoia as love planet Venus clashes with lucky Jupiter, also on Saturday, at 11:01 PM. A change for the better takes place.

For more insights into the current astrology, check out your horoscope for February!

All times ET.

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Aries: March 19, 2024 – April 19, 2024

What you want for yourself and your future becomes charged as your planetary ruler, Mars, meets with Venus in your chart’s house of hopes and dreams. Take care to check in with yourself. There’s a lot happening beneath the surface, though, with four planets in your chart’s house of secrets and mental health. An element of your lifestyle is coming to an end as the full moon illuminates your chart’s house of routines. As a cardinal sign, Aries has no problem with change, but you are a fighter that does not surrender. Take time for yourself to comfortably discern what is and is not your responsibility. Recognize the difference between anxiety and intuition.

Taurus: April 19, 2024 – May 20, 2024

The heat is on as action planet Mars meets your planetary ruler, Venus. You can feel more motivated to live up to both the standards you’ve set for yourself, and the ones that you feel others expect. You’re thinking about your future and long-term with four planets in your chart’s house of hopes and dreams. A full moon illuminates your chart’s axis of friendships and community. Connecting with the crowd, your network, and your crew can feel grounding and satisfying. Put yourself out there and make introductions! You’re willing to make a change for the best as your planetary ruler Venus clashes with lucky Jupiter, signifying a positive event.

Gemini: May 20, 2024 – June 20, 2024

A new chapter in your public life begins as your planetary ruler, Mercury, moves into the most prominent sector of your chart. Over the coming weeks, you have more publicity. Connect with your parents or superiors. Get perspective on your personal sense of authority. Your career is in focus with four planets in this sector of your chart. Perfect purity is impossible, but see what you can manage to accomplish by simply showing up. The full moon illuminates your chart’s axis of family and legacy, stirring existential conversations about who you are, where you come from, and where you want to end up. There’s a practical vibe to the full moon, and it can bring grounding to your home life.

Cancer: June 20, 2024 – July 22, 2024

Deep philosophical thinking is where you’re at these days, with four planets built up in your chart’s house of higher thinking and religion. You’re getting to know what lies beyond you, and questioning dogmas. This could also represent a time of bureaucratic and legal activity—a shuffling of papers and endless travel dates and appointments. Downloads and harvests of information come with the full moon in your chart’s house of communication. It can seem like all of the information is laid out on the table, but there are still some minor details or perspectives to explore! You have to accept that the assessment might not be perfect while still figuring out the story that you feel most comfortable with.

Leo: July 22, 2024 – August 22, 2024

Relationships become a place of passion as action planet Mars meets with love planet Venus. Other people may be more assertive toward you now. Relationships are changing for the better as Venus clashes with optimistic Jupiter. Whatever interpersonal events taking place can open you up to more happiness and success. Your connections move you to a higher place: Bring me to higher love! Shared finances or intimacy—a merging of resources—are a hot topic with four planets in this area of your chart. The full moon illuminates your chart’s axis of resources, bringing financial conversations to a climax. You’re getting to know what your end of the deal looks like, and figures are solidified.

Virgo: August 22, 2024 – September 22, 2024

A new chapter begins in relationships as your planetary ruler, Mercury, moves into your chart’s house of partnerships. Over this period, the role you play in your relationships—and how you define these relationships—is key! Your interpersonal responsibilities are a driving force in your life right now, with four planets in your chart’s partnership sector. While other people and their baggage seem to be the driving force of the story, you, dear Virgo, get the last word. The full moon in Virgo presents a moment for you to express your autonomy. Do what your sign does best: Provide others with a reality check by reflecting their delusions back to them. Or just be honest about how you feel!

Libra: September 22, 2024 – October 22, 2024

You’re going after what makes you happy, without fear or mercy, as valiant Mars meets with your planetary ruler Venus. There’s a lot of focus on your work and chores with four planets in your chart’s lifestyle sector. Figuring out how to be flexible with your daily commitments can be tough, but it’s possible! Solitude isn’t something that Libra is known for, but it is a theme of the full moon in Virgo. This full moon, consider that which you keep sacred—secrets and rituals performed just for your spirit. True love sets you free as your planetary ruler, Venus, clashes with Jupiter. Positive changes in your relationships improve intimacy and interpersonal connection. More space can bring people closer.

Scorpio: October 22, 2024 – November 21, 2024

You’re feeling good about yourself as your planetary ruler, Mars, meets with Venus. You can tap into a sense of authenticity and self-love. Your relationship to your family can improve during this alignment. You’re focused on your social and creative lives with four planets in your chart’s pleasure sector. There’s a buildup of planets in your chart’s house of friendships, creativity, and sexuality, reflecting an active time in your social life. The full moon falls across your chart’s social axis, illuminating your house of hopes and dreams and perhaps representing the completion of a goal. Celebrate your successes and accomplishments! Positive developments in your relationships start from deep within your heart as Venus clashes with Jupiter, signifying a change for the better.

Sagittarius: November 21, 2024 – December 21, 2024

There’s a lot happening in your home and family life, with four planets in your chart’s domestic sector. New information on the topic comes when Mercury, the planet of communication, enters this house of your chart. How you feel about what you do every day is changing, and you’re ready to talk about it as Venus clashes with Jupiter. Maybe you’re in the mood to give a job or chore another try—second time’s a charm! Existential topics can come up with the full moon, which falls across your chart’s axis of family and legacy. You may be sharing some personal news. Developments in your career and how you appear in the public eye are made manifest.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024

Contracts and agreements are a major topic with four planets in your chart’s house of communication. More investigation and research takes place, though it might be hard to find what you’re looking for. You’re figuring yourself out, where you belong and how you define yourself. Information is shared far and wide during the full moon in Virgo, which falls across your chart’s axis of communication. You have all of your insights from personal experience, and now you’re ready to share all of what you know. You can find yourself feeling grounded with travel plans or academic pursuits. Researching topics that spark your creative curiosity can give you a self-esteem boost. You deserve some fun!

Aquarius: January 20, 2024 – February 18, 2024

Asserting what you want for yourself comes naturally as Mars meets with Venus in your sign. You’re making changes around the home as Venus clashes with Jupiter. Whatever you decide to do, it’s for the purpose of maintaining peace and stability, and taking action gives you a sense of freedom and happiness. These days the ball is fully in your court, and you have to take matters into your hands! With a buildup of planets in your chart’s house of personal resources, money and self-worth are hot topics. A concluding conversation about shared funds (like inheritances, grants, taxes, or scholarships) takes place with the full moon. What do you feel comfortable giving away? What makes you happy to share?

Pisces: February 18, 2024 – March 19, 2024

With four planets in your sign, Pisces, you’re focused on yourself and your relationship with yourself. You are the driving force, you have the map and you’re telling people where to go. They should come to you, of course! With Mercury, the planet of communication, now in your sign, you can be more gifted with expressing your ideas in writing and speech. How you define yourself and your identity is developing as the full moon illuminates your chart’s axis of self and other. Partners can have some information to share with you. Reflections on interpersonal dynamics and heartfelt conversations reach a climax during the full moon.

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