Unlock Complex Time Series Analysis in SQL with Range Queries

Unlock Complex Time Series Analysis in SQL with Range Queries


Time-series information typically needs querying and aggregating over defined time periods, a pattern well-supported by PromQL‘s Range selectorPerforming these inquiries in basic SQL is especially intricate. To resolve this, GreptimeDB has actually presented a boosted SQL Range inquiry syntax, efficiently weding SQL’s robust versatility with specialized time-series querying abilities. This development makes sure smooth, native handling of time-series information within SQL.

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Let’s show the Range inquiry with an example. The following temperature level table records the temperature levels in various cities at different times:

For the offered circumstance, where we wish to query the day-to-day and weekly typical temperature levels in Beijing as much as May 2, 2023 (timestamp 1682985600000with an alternative to utilize direct interpolation to approximate inquiry worths for missing out on information.

To perform these 2 inquiries in PromQL, it is structured with a day as the action size. For the day-to-day average temperature level, we aggregate information over every day. For the weekly average, we extend this aggregation to a week-long duration, computing the average for each week. Furthermore, to align our question with the particular timestamp of 1682985600000we utilize the @ operator in PromQL. This lines up the query execution time precisely to the offered timestamp, making sure precise and appropriate information retrieval for the specific duration.

The last inquiry appears like this:


-- Daily average temperature
avg_over_time(temperature{city="beijing"}[1d] @ 1682985600000) step=1d

-- Weekly average temperature
avg_over_time(temperature{city="beijing"}[7d] @ 1682985600000) step=1d

The above inquiry has some problems: PromQL highlights on information querying however has a hard time with managing missing out on information points, i.e., smoothing the queried information. PromQL has a Lookback delta system (see this post for more information), which utilizes old information to change missing out on information points, this default habits may not be preferable for users under specific situations. Due to the presence of the Lookback delta system, aggregated information may bring some old worths. And it is challenging for PromQL to specifically manage information precision. PromQL does not have a reliable technique for information smoothing, as our requirement pointed out above.

From a conventional SQL viewpoint, given that there is no such Lookback delta system, we can specifically manage the scope of our information choice and aggregation, permitting more precise inquiries.

The question here basically aggregates information daily and weekly. For day-to-day typical temperature levels, we can utilize the scalar function date_truncwhich truncates timestamp to a particular accuracy. We utilize this function to truncate time to a day-to-day system and after that aggregate the information by day to get the wanted outcomes.


-- Daily average temperature
        date_trunc('day', ts) as day
        city="beijing" and ts < 1682985600000

The above inquiry approximately fulfills our requirements, however there are problems with this kind of inquiry:

  1. Made complex to compose with the subqueries needed;

  2. This technique can just compute everyday typical temperature levels, not weekly averages. In SQL, aggregation needs that each piece of information come from just one group. This ends up being troublesome in time series inquiries where each tasting covers a week with periods taped daily. In such cases, a single information point is undoubtedly shared throughout numerous groups, making conventional SQL inquiries inappropriate for these inquiries.

  3. Still does not resolve the concern of completing blank information.

The important problem we now need to resolve is that these inquiries are essentially time series in nature, yet the SQL we utilize, regardless of its extremely versatile meaningful power, is not custom-made for time series databases. This inequality highlights the requirement for some brand-new SQL extension syntax to efficiently handle and query time series information. A long time series databases like InfluxDB deal group by time syntax, and QuestDB uses Sample By syntax. These executions supply concepts for our Range questions.

Next, we’ll present how to make use of GreptimeDB’s Range syntax for the above inquiries.


-- average daily temperature
    avg(temp) RANGE '1d' FILL LINEAR,
    city="beijing" and ts < 1682985600000
ALIGN '1d';

-- average weekly temperature
    avg(temp) RANGE '7d' FILL LINEAR,
    city="beijing" and ts < 1682985600000
ALIGN '1d';

We have actually presented a keyword, ALIGNinto a SELECT declaration to represent the action size of each time series question, lining up the time to the calendar. Following the aggregation function, a RANGE keyword is utilized to signify the scope of each information aggregation. FILL LINEAR shows the approach of filling out when information points are missing out on, by utilizing direct interpolation to fill the information. Through this method, we can more quickly meet the requirements pointed out previously.

The Range question permits us to elegantly reveal time series inquiries in SQL, successfully making up for SQL’s drawbacks in explaining time series inquiries. It makes it possible for the mix of SQL’s effective meaningful abilities to attain more intricate information querying functions. Variety inquiries likewise provide more versatile use alternatives, with particular information offered in this documents

Execution Logic

Variety question is basically an information aggregation algorithm, however it varies from conventional SQL information aggregation in an essential element: in Range questions, a single information point might be aggregated into numerous groups. If a user desires to compute the typical weekly temperature level for each day, each temperature level information point will be utilized in the estimation for a number of weekly averages.

The previously mentioned question reasoning, when developed as a Range inquiry, can be articulated in the following way.


SELECT avg(temperature) RANGE '7d' from table ALIGN '1d';

For each Range expression, we use align_to (defined by the TO keyword, the TO keyword is not defined above, which is UTC 0 time. For more use of the TO keyword, please describe this paperworkthe align (1dand variety (7dcriteria to specify time windows (each time window is called a time slot) and classify information based upon their suitable timestamps into these time slots.

  1. The time origin on the time axis is set at align_toand we section lined up time points both forwards and in reverse utilizing line up as the action size. This collection of time points is described as align_tsThe formula for align_ts is { ts | ts = align_to + k * align, k is an integer }

  2. For each aspect ts in the align_ts set, a time slot is specified. A time slot is a left-closed, right-open period pleasing [ts , ts + range)

When align is higher than variety, the segmented time slots are as detailed listed below, and in this situation, a single information point will come from just one time slot.

When align is smaller sized than variety, the segmented time slots look like displayed in the following illustration. In this scenario, a single information point might come from numerous time slots.

The application of the Range function makes use of the timeless hash aggregation algorithm. This includes scheduling a hash pail for each time slot being tested and putting all the information arranged for tasting into the matching hash pails.

Unlike conventional aggregation algorithms, time series information aggregation might include overlapping information points (e.g. computing the everyday average temperature level for each week). In algorithmic terms, this indicates a single information point might come from several hash containers, which separates it from the traditional hash aggregation technique.


By leveraging the SQL RANGE inquiry syntax extension offered by GreptimeDB, integrated with the effective meaningful abilities of the SQL language itself, we can perform more succinct, sophisticated, and effective analysis and querying of time series information within GreptimeDB. This technique likewise prevents a few of the restrictions experienced in information querying with PromQL. Users can flexibly make use of RANGE inquiries in GreptimeDB to open brand-new techniques for time series information analysis and querying.

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