Tracy Chu Shares Update on Her Pregnancy

Tracy Chu Shares Update on Her Pregnancy

After announcing that she is pregnant on social media on New Year’s Day, former TVB actress Tracy Chu (朱千雪) made a public appearance in Causeway for a beauty store’s opening. Tracy is now six-months pregnant with a bulging belly, but she looks just as slender and radiant.

At the event, Tracy did not hesitate to participate in the store’s opening ceremony and broke traditional taboo by cutting ribbons with a gold scissor. Tracy shared that she asked her mother prior to the event and she learned that it was fine as long as she is not using scissors on the bed. Tracy also shared that she is personally not superstitious and will listen to her doctor’s advice.

Tracy revealed that she had not been suffering from morning sickness or other discomfort during her pregnancy. However, as the baby grew heavier, Tracy developed lower back pains and found relief with simple exercises.

Since it is harder on her body to be active, she shifted her focus to self-care such as dressing up and skin care. Tracy added, “I used to think that if I didn’t do it today, I could do it tomorrow. Now I work harder than before because the baby is growing up every day. I hope it won’t be that easy to get edema.”’

Have Not Bought Baby Supplies

While Tracy is expected to give birth in May, Tracy shared that she has not bought the crib yet because her mother is currently staying in Canada with her two younger sisters. When her mother returns to Hong Kong in March, they will be shopping together.

Tracy said, “I haven’t seriously shopped around. I don’t have a crib yet and I was looking forward to shopping with my mother and mother-in-law, but my friends already gifted me some clothes.”

Tracy, who has recently changed her career to a barrister, shared that she will be working around Chinese New Year and is booked until the end of the year. Due to her pregnancy, Tracy will be taking a break in the middle of the year and will try to resume work as soon as possible. When asked if she is working hard to earn money for the baby, Tracy responded, “Of course. I will do my best.”

This year, Tracy and her husband will be celebrating their last Valentine’s Day with just the two of them, but Tracy admitted that she did not specifically plan any surprises. Tracy shared that they have only made a reservation at a restaurant to celebrate and said, “Actually we want to celebrate quietly because we know we will be very busy soon. We don’t need to spend a lot of money to celebrate.”

Source: Singtao

This article is written by Sammi for

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