Toepfer, SDARI unveil methanol-capable multipurpose vessel designs

Toepfer, SDARI unveil methanol-capable multipurpose vessel designs

Home Clean Fuel Toepfer, SDARI unveil methanol-capable multipurpose vessel designs

April 19, 2024,

Fatima Bahtić

Shanghai Shipbuilding Research and Design Institute (SDARI), part of the China State Shipbuilding Group, and German shipping company Toepfer Transport have unveiled new methanol-capable multipurpose vessel (MPP) designs.

As informed, the partners launched two multipurpose vessel designs, the OCTOPUS 12.6 and OCTOPUS 12, featuring new green technologies. The designs were jointly developed with classification society DNV, which awarded an approval in principle (AiP) for two innovative vessels.

The MPP designs were developed over a period of eight months.

The OCTOPUS ship platform allows for versatile configurations across the 12,000-ton size segment.

According to Toepfer Transport, the OCTOPUS 12.6 (HL500) shows substantial improvements over its predecessor from 2014, the 12,500-ton F500. It includes a single cargo hold and dual 250-ton deck cranes.

The superstructure has been moved from the stern to the bow, to enhance navigation and maneuverability. Its deck cargo area has expanded by about 40% making it suitable for transporting large engineering equipment, while its fuel consumption has been reduced by approximately 15%.

Meanwhile, the OCTOPUS 12 has also evolved from its 2004 predecessor, the F-type. It features a more compact design, and improved fuel efficiency, with a reduction of about 56%, the company noted.

The Octopus 12 comes equipped with two 80-ton up to 120-ton deck cranes and an enlarged cargo hold, optimized for general and bulk cargo.

Furthermore, the OCTOPUS 12.6 design can be modified to create the extended OCTOPUS 12.6XL or the shorter OCTOPUS 12.6XS, while the OCTOPUS 12 can also be adapted to a shortened version.

The ships adhere to the highest standards of energy efficiency and emissions, to meet Stage III of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Tier III nitrogen oxide emissions standards, offering options for both two-stroke or four-stroke engines, Toepfer Transport said.

“…These ships represent a major leap in eco-friendly and efficient maritime solutions, promising significant advancements in cargo handling and fuel economy,” the shipping firm concluded.

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