Tobi Got The Perfect Gift On His Birthday Two Years ago!

Tobi Got The Perfect Gift On His Birthday Two Years ago!

Do you know what the perfect birthday present is? We bet if  Tobi were to answer, his response would be ‘Love!’ This is because on his birthday two years ago, he met the love of his life, Khafs.

The amazing thing about their meet-cute is that Khafs had reluctantly agreed to attend the party when she was invited by a mutual friend. Little did she know that Cupid had sweet plans under his sleeves. They eventually met and the connection was seamless! Now, they are flying on the wings of forever while serving us premium sweetness with their pre-wedding photos. No doubt, these two were made for each other and are so smitten!

Enjoy their pre-wedding shoot and love story below:

Their love story as shared by Khafs:

The stars must have aligned on Tobi’s birthday in 2021 because that’s the day our paths finally crossed. I was invited to his birthday by our mutual friend and though I wasn’t exactly itching to go out, boredom nudged me in the right direction. As fate would have it, the venue buzzed with familiar faces – our amazing circle of mutual friends. And then, there was Tobi.

We were introduced, and our conversation flowed. It felt effortless like we’d known each other for years. Throughout the night, we were inseparable, just in a world of laughter and easy conversation. Numbers were exchanged, and we never really stopped! We fell into a comfortable rhythm of hanging out nearly every day after his birthday. A few weeks later, we started dating and it felt like the most natural thing in the world, like a puzzle piece finally clicking into place. Two beautiful years after that fateful birthday, we said “I do,” and our love story began a new, even sweeter chapter.


Bride: @khafilat__
Photography: @thetomiwaajayi
Makeup: @the_ajedamilare
Hair: @kayy_thehairstylist

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