The DNC made a weird AI-generated parody of a Lara Trump song

The DNC made a weird AI-generated parody of a Lara Trump song

After Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump’s indie music detour to release a greatly autotuned track called”Anything is Possible,” the Democrats have actually reacted with “Party’s Fallin’ Down.” Released 3 days too early to be passed off as an uncomfortable April Fools’ Day joke, it’s referred to as “a brand-new AI-generated tune about Lara Trump’s rocky start as RNC co-chair.”

The track nobody requested was published to an otherwise confidential SoundCloud page, promoted on TMZ, and tweeted from X represent DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and the Democrats'”fast reaction group

You can listen to it hereMy suggestion, nevertheless, is that you do not in favor of doing anything else with your time, despite your political association, musical taste, or ideas on AI.

In a declaration, Harrison calls Trump’s music profession “humiliating, unserious, and a waste of cash,” promoting how the Democratic National Committee “didn’t put as much money and time into making our tune.” Putting less time and cash into making something humiliating and unserious is still … making something awkward and unserious?

And besides, this injection of generative AI into election season seems like opening a door that will be tough to close. The next time we think about the concern of whether it’s proper to utilize generative AI in the political context, it most likely will not be over a bad musical satire with silly lyrics.

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