Teenage surfer mauled by a shark on Christmas Day is saved by quick-thinking friends

Teenage surfer mauled by a shark on Christmas Day is saved by quick-thinking friends

By Lisa Edser For Daily Mail Australia

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A quick-thinking group of teenagers have been praised for taking swift action to save their friend’s life after he was attacked by a shark.

Julian McLennan, 16, was surfing with friends when he was bitten by a shark at Old Bar near Taree ,on NSW‘s Mid North Coast, at about 4.30pm on Christmas Day.

‘I was sitting out the back, surfing, going over a wave and I just feel someone grab me,’ Julian told 9News

‘I look to the right and I see a massive fin coming out of the water and, like, its the body of a shark.’

Julian yelled out straight away he had been bitten to his friend Alex Tobin who was in the water, but positioned closer to shore 

‘I have no clue if I have a leg still and I’m just looking at Alex, and I’m just freakin’ out,’ Julian said.

Julian McLennan, 16, was surfing with his mate Alex Tobin when he was bitten by a shark at Old Bar near Taree on NSW ‘s Mid North Coast on Christmas day 

Julian McLennan (pictured left) was lucky to have quick thinking friends Will Anderson (pictured centre) and Alex Tobin (pictured right) to help him after the shark attack

Alex said he ran to shore and grabbed his shirt so he could wrap it around the top of his friend’s leg to stop the bleeding. 

The teenager’s other friend, Will Anderson, had been surfing with them but decided to get out of the water early. 

He was in the carpark when he got the call Julian had been attacked.

‘At first, I didn’t believe him,’ Will said. 

‘I was thinking, ‘oh yeah’ but no, just the panic in his voice set off alarm bells in my head.’

Will decided to drive Julian to hospital instead of waiting for an ambulance saying he thought it ‘would have taken too long’ for help to arrive.

Gruesome pictures of the teenager’s injury show his leg had been punctured by deep shark teeth marks.

Luckily, the predator struck only a few centimetres from Julian’s femoral artery. 

Those centimetres meant the difference between life and almost certain death. 

The 16-year-old said he is lucky that his surfboard took the brunt of the bite. 

The teenager’s leg had been punctured by deep shark teeth marks, missing his femoral artery by centimetres

Julian’s shocked mother has praised her son’s quick-thinking friends for being so proactive in saving her son.

She said they ‘didn’t freak out’ and labelled them ‘true friends’. 

Julian said he has no plans to go back into the water in the short term.

The NSW’s government’s Sharksmart web page has tips for swimmers and surfers about the best way to avoid sharks.

These include staying between the flags and being aware that sharks may be present between sandbars or near steep drop-offs.

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