Stress Testing Tesla FSD Will Get Harder as Its Closer to Being Solved

Stress Testing Tesla FSD Will Get Harder as Its Closer to Being Solved

There are still flaws with Tesla FSD 12.3.X but if Tesla FSD 12.4 and FSD 12.5 fix lane selection problems, speed issues, all construction zones, flashing red lights and reverse then it could a over a month to find flaws.

There is crowdsourced data that 12.3.6 can go 330 miles without a disengagement in City Driving. This is over two times better than the 119-140 miles for the best version 11 Tesla FSD.

Tesla testers are claiming large improvements for Tesla FSD 12.4 and FSD 12.5. If Tesla FSD 12.4 takes 1000 miles of driving before disengagements then it could be a month of driving for one person to find a problem. However, a hundred thousand people would still see a thousand problems per day.

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