Rude WPC under probe | Local News |

Rude WPC under probe | Local News |

A woman police constable has been given disciplinary notice and is expected to be transferred after a recording between the officer and a member of the public who contacted the police for assistance was shared online.

The 40-second audio clip was shared on Thursday afternoon.

In it, the constable can be heard talking to a man who indicated that his home and been broken into.

He explained that his wife had called the police’s E999 Communications Centre about two hours earlier to report the robbery and that she had been told that the centre would call the station.

But no one contacted them.

The WPC, on hearing this, said: ‘So what allyuh doing? Sitting down at home waiting for the police to call allyuh? You don’t know where the station is?’

The man responds: “Excuse?”

The officer says again, “Do you know where St Joseph station is? So why allyuh doh come in and make a formal report?”

The man is quiet at first, then simply responds: “Thanks.”

The audio clip, police told the Express, was authentic and the WPC had already been spoken to about the call.

She is expected to be brought before a tribunal of senior officers to respond about her actions.

In a statement yesterday, Commissioner of Police Erla Christopher said the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service will not condone poor customer service.

“The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) has been investing substantially in improving its service delivery to the public and strongly condemns any instance of poor customer service by police officers during the conduct of their duties. Any instance of poor customer service will be deemed unacceptable and will not be condoned by the TTPS. The TTPS strives for professionalism in all areas of its operations and in that regard, will continue to provide ongoing customer service training to all officers to ensure members of the public receive service of the highest quality,” Christopher said.

She also confirmed that the WPC’s actions are being investigated.

“With respect to an audio message currently circulating on social media, that incident is currently being investigated with the appropriate disciplinary action to follow. We again apologise to the victim in the matter and give the assurance to the public that every effort will be made to prevent a recurrence of such an incident,” Christopher said.

The TTPS statement also advised that “senior officers at all police stations are responsible for ensuring that all reports made, whether by telephone or in person, are accurately and immediately recorded and that officers take prompt action where necessary. Members of the public not satisfied that this protocol is being followed, are advised to immediately seek an audience with the officer in charge of the station.”

Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds also commented on the incident.

While emphasising that the matter of the service and management of the TTPS was a matter for the Commissioner of Police, he said the voice note told many stories.

“One such story is that across the public service in this country, too many public officials behave as though the office and the service is for and about them! Missing the point that it is for those whom we serve. It is about service! Of course, there are many who are not like that, but there are far too many who are. Too often, rudeness and uncaring are the order of the day. And often, there is no accountability! This is a reflection of the general trend in our society, where rudeness, obscenity, and violence appear to be gaining ground rapidly,” Hinds stated.

In a social media post, he added: “On this occasion though, a vigilant, level-headed and decent member of the public, recorded the insensitive and unbecoming response. Mind you, members of the public can be, and have been equally abrasive to public officials! They have been known to ‘cuss’ them, threaten them, and even assault them. Years ago, a teacher was killed by a parent in Tobago. However, I am happily advised that the leadership of the Police Service has frowned on this alleged behaviour; and have begun the investigative and disciplinary process, in respect of it. Well done, Commissioner Christopher, let the process take its course.”

Customer care training

Speaking with the Express yesterday, president of the TTPS Social and Welfare Association, ASP Gideon Dickson, said his organisation could not condone any behaviour that would bring the Police Service into disrepute.

He noted that customer care training was being conducted in all ten policing divisions.

“One bad apple can potentially spoil a whole bunch. And the actions of a few persons, for whatever reasons, can put a label on the entire Service. I know the disciplinary process has been engaged, and we will see what transpires from there. But what I will say, is that our officers need to know that this profession is about providing a service. We are providing a service to the people of this country. Secondly, we have to do so with ‘PRIDE’—And when I say it like that I mean that we need to always act with Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Diligence and Excellence,” Dickson said.

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