Row over Best Man’s suit has made me not even want to attend friend’s wedding

Row over Best Man’s suit has made me not even want to attend friend’s wedding

DEAR DEIDRE: I NO longer want to be Best Man at my friend’s wedding, after a stupid disagreement over a suit.

I’m 34 and have known him since college. He’s also 34. We’ve always got on and I even introduced him to his fiancée.

But he stresses over trivia and has fallen out with other friends over his wedding, too.

I disagreed with him after being asked to buy a new suit.

The one he wants me to get is the same as one I already own, and even sold by the same shop.

Initially, he thought the one I owned was slightly darker, but he finally agreed I could wear it.

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When he told his fiancée, though, she was furious and phoned me to say if I didn’t buy the suit I wouldn’t be his Best Man.

She then hung up and when I called her back she blocked me.

My friend’s now said they need to talk about whether I can be Best Man and he’ll tell me next week.

But it has left me feeling like I want to move on from him.


DEIDRE SAYS: Planning a wedding can be stressful but it seems you’re not going to go back to the friendship you had – and perhaps it’s not worth trying.

Although the groom did agree you could wear your almost identical suit, he is siding with his bride-to-be, perhaps for a quiet life.

Let him know how disappointed you are.

But if things don’t change, you would be wise to walk away.

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