Pocketbase: Open-source back end in one file

Pocketbase: Open-source back end in one file

Open Source backend

for your next SaaS and Mobile app

in 1 file

Realtime database


File storage

Admin dashboard

Ready to use out of the box

// JavaScript SDK
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';

const pb = new PocketBase('');


// list and search for 'example' collection records
const list = await pb.collection('example').getList(1, 100, {
filter: 'title != "" && created > "2022-08-01"',
sort: '-created,title',

// or fetch a single 'example' collection record
const record = await pb.collection('example').getOne('RECORD_ID');

// delete a single 'example' collection record
await pb.collection('example').delete('RECORD_ID');

// create a new 'example' collection record
const newRecord = await pb.collection('example').create({
title: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',

// subscribe to changes in any record from the 'example' collection
pb.collection('example').subscribe('*', function (e) {

// stop listening for changes in the 'example' collection

Integrate nicely with your favorite frontend stack

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