Met officers crack down on drugs and weapons in Bexley

Met officers crack down on drugs and weapons in Bexley

Decisive action from local Met officers in Bexley has resulted in two people being arrested on suspicion of hiding drugs and offensive weapons at a house in Thamesmead.

Officers were tipped off by concerned members of the community, who reported that a property in the area was being used to store and supply drugs.

Acting on local information, officers searched the property at approximately 06:00hrs on Wednesday, 31 January discovering weapons, stolen goods and drugs.

A 19-year-old woman and a 23-year-old man were arrested on suspicion of possession of Class A and Class B drugs, possession of firearms, possession of an offensive weapon, and handling stolen goods.

They have since been bailed pending further enquiries.

Inspector Jamie Keen for North Bexley Safer Neighbourhoods Team, led the investigation and said: “The Met is determined to reduce drug crime, and in Bexley residents have told us it’s one of their key concerns.

“As soon as we started getting calls, our officers responded to their concerns. This is a great example of our community members and officers working together to tackle drug crime and remove offensive weapons from our streets.

“My team are working with local schools to help divert young people from drug crime, and we continue to work closely with local health and rehabilitation partners to provide support to victims of drug crime.”

Local officers in Bexley are running engagement programmes with partners, schools and rehabilitation centres to help the public spot signs of drug dealing, and the exploitation of vulnerable people.

+ Drugs ruin lives, that’s why the Met is committed to transforming how we keep communities safe. Read more about how we are responding to local priorities with A New Met for London

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