Leonardo DiCaprio and Bruce Willis among latest to be mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein documents

Leonardo DiCaprio and Bruce Willis among latest to be mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein documents

Hollywood A-listers Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis and Cate Blanchett have been named in the second batch of the released Epstein documents.

There is no suggestion that any of the associated individuals who are named in the documents have committed crimes or wrongdoing.

The documents, which have to be released on a rolling basis have already mentioned former president Bill Clinton, and Prince Andrew and have now added further prominent figures such as Michael Jackson, Cameron Diaz, and Naomi Campbell.

A representative for Ms Diaz has subsequently sent a statement to Fox News following the actress’ name being in the documents.

“Cameron never met Jeffrey Epstein, nor was she ever in the same place as him or had any association with him whatsoever, regardless of the fact he may or may not have mentioned her name or implied that he knew her,” Ms Diaz’s representative noted.

The documents being unsealed are part of a 2015 lawsuit filed against Ms Maxwell by one of Mr Epstein’s victims, Virginia Giuffre.

During a deposition for Ms Giuffre’s lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell, Johanna Sjoberg, another Epstein accuser, claimed she met Michael Jackson at Mr Epstein’s Palm Beach home in Miami.

Ms Sjoberg would clarify that she never gave the king of pop a massage.

During the deposition, Ms Sjoberg was also asked if she had ever met Mr DiCaprio, Mr Willis, and Ms Blanchett.

“I did not meet them, no. When I spoke about them, it was when I was massaging [Epstein], and he would get off – he would be on the phone a lot at that time, and one time he said, oh, that was Leonardo, or that was Cate Blanchett or Bruce Willis. That kind of thing,” she said.

When Ms Sjoberg was asked if she had ever met Ms Diaz, she responded, “No”.

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