Jack Osbourne recalls ‘near-death’ mountain climbing experience

Jack Osbourne recalls ‘near-death’ mountain climbing experience

Jack Osbourne had a near-death experience while climbing a mountain in Canada.

During Tuesday’s episode of The Osbournes Podcast with co-hosts Kelly, Sharon, and Ozzy Osbourne, the media personality opened up about a brush with death.

“I’ve got another near-death story about a lightning storm. I was mountain climbing in Banff in Canada,” Jack told his co-hosts. “I’ve done some weird s**t.”

This mountain climbing experience featured unexpected bad weather, as well as unexpected terrain; Jack and his crew had prepared for mixed rock and ice climbing, and were faced with a mountain of pure ice.

“I was climbing with this legendary climber named Barry Blanchard, who’s done Everest, K2, like, he’s one of the world’s most accomplished climbers,” Jack said. “And as we were nearing the summit, a lightning storm came in. And where does lightning usually strike? The tallest point.”

Jack, Barry and crew were not only on the summit of the mountain, they were “covered in carabiners and metal for climbing”, which could act as conductors for the lightning’s electricity.

“All of a sudden everyone’s hair started going (up) and you could hear what sounded like being under power lines,” Jack continued. “We were literally at the summit. And so, we had to call in a helicopter to come rescue us.”

He concluded, “There was a gap in the… clouds, just enough for the helicopter to get in… we just jumped in the helicopter and got the f**k out of there.”

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