Israel finally Strikes Back at Iran 

Israel finally Strikes Back at Iran 

Israeli PM Benjamin Natanyau assured US President Joe Biden their would be no reprisal following a barrage of Iranian drones last weekend. Lie.

Biden is gradually failing at coddling his friend Netanyahu to ensure the Palestinian massacre going on doesn’t degenerate into a regional war

According to CBS News, an Israeli missile struck Iran last night. The news source, two US officials, didn’t name the location, though.

News from Iran also indicated the nation’s air defence systems activated across regions last night. Nobody explained what triggered them.

The High National Council of Iran didn’t appear jolted in any serious way. Even President Ebrahim Raisi who went to Danghan, miles and miles away from Isifan, only talked about last weekend’s rain of drones on Israel.

Isifan is home to Iran’s nuclear development facilities, and fleet of US-made fighter jets Iran bought before the 1979 Revolution that shattered diplomatic relationship between the two.

Some analyst said they might be trying to take the zing out of the Israeli strike. 

Maybe the art of silence both sides employ means they are’t up to much about escalating the hostilities.

The Middle East has been boiling since Hamas invaded some part of Israel last year, and kill over 1200 Israelis. Israel attacks have killed more than 30,000 Palestinians, including women and children, so far.

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