I want to retire at 55 in a country with free health care. My spouse will draw Social Security, and I have $160,000. Are we crazy?

I want to retire at 55 in a country with free health care. My spouse will draw Social Security, and I have $160,000. Are we crazy?

Assist Me Retire

Last Updated: Dec. 25, 2023 at 8:12 a.m. ET

Released: Dec. 19, 2023 at 7:20 a.m. ET

‘We would preserve a global health-insurance strategy that consists of evacuation to the U.S. for anything significant’

“After living there a year, I will get residency in the nation, that includes basically complimentary nationwide health care.”

MarketWatch image illustration/iStockphoto

I am 51 and want to retire by 55. I will just have about $125,000 in pension plus another $35,000 in non-retirement accounts. I intend on vacating the U.S. as I have a home that’s completely spent for overseas. After living there a year, I will get residency in the nation, that includes basically totally free nationwide health care.

We …

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