Government of Japan Commits Over 1.8 Million USD for Health, Nutrition, and Rehabilitation Activities in Northern Ethiopia

Government of Japan Commits Over 1.8 Million USD for Health, Nutrition, and Rehabilitation Activities in Northern Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, January 22nd, 2024 – The Government of Japan, through its embassy in Ethiopia, has pledged a significant sum of over 1.8 million USD to bolster health and nutrition services and support infrastructure rehabilitation in Northern Ethiopia. This commitment, announced in a grant document released recently reflects Japan’s dedication to addressing critical health challenges in Ethiopia.

The collaborative effort between the Japanese Embassy and the WHO Country Office in Ethiopia aims to enhance response capacities for cholera, measles, and malaria outbreaks in Ethiopia’s Tigray, Afar, and Amhara regions. The initiative encompasses a range of activities, including the distribution of medical supplies, drugs, and kits, outbreak response capacity building, and the rehabilitation of selected health facilities.

The intervention, with a planned duration of one year, targets the direct assistance of nearly 167,000 individuals in need, with a special focus on internally displaced communities grappling with the aftermath of conflict and other pressing crises.

“Despite the improvements following the signing of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, the situation in Northern Ethiopia remains critical. Ongoing outbreaks of cholera and malaria, coupled with limited access to health facilities, present formidable challenges,” Dr. Nonhlanhla Dlamini, WHO Ethiopia Representative a.i., emphasized.
“Humanitarian needs in Northern Ethiopia remain high. There is a need to increase support for rehabilitation and restoration to facilitate the scaling-up of recovery efforts and support the local health system.” Dr. Dlamini added.

Japanese Ambassador to Ethiopia, H.E. Mr. Hironori Shibata stated, “the Government of Japan funded WHO to support the health services reach the rural areas for enhancing the people’s health.  The project will provide the training opportunities for 450 health workers to refresh their knowledge and skills in addition to rehabilitation of the facilities and supply of the medicines.”

In response to the escalating crisis, the World Health Organization (WHO) has called for a coordinated, multi-sectoral approach to providing essential healthcare services to those in need. 

The WHO, alongside its partners, is committed to collaborating with the Ethiopian government to enhance the country’s health system and improve the health and well-being of its people. The support from the Japanese Embassy is pivotal in achieving this humanitarian goal.

For Media Inquiries, Please Contact:

Yetenayet Kebede, Communications Officer  
World Health Organization
Ethiopia Country Office  
Email: yfita [at]   
Phone Number: +251911080478

Dejene Sakoume, Communication Officer
Embassy of Japan
Email address: dejene.sakoume [at] 
Phone Number: +251911753486

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