(G)I-DLE’s Shuhua To Temporarily Halt All Activities Due To Health Concerns

(G)I-DLE’s Shuhua To Temporarily Halt All Activities Due To Health Concerns

https://6.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/image/20240208114503_shuhua-3.jpeg?s=80×80&e=t 80w, https://6.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/image/20240208114503_shuhua-3.jpeg?s=368×245&e=t 368w, https://6.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/image/20240208114503_shuhua-3.jpeg?s=555×370&e=t 555w, https://6.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/image/20240208114503_shuhua-3.jpeg?s=900×600&e=t 900w” src=”https://6.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/image/20240208114503_shuhua-3.jpeg?s=900×600&e=t” alt=”(G)I-DLE’s Shuhua To Temporarily Halt All Activities Due To Health Concerns”> < img srcset="https://6.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/image/20240208114503_shuhua-3.jpeg?s=80x80&e=t 80w, https://6.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/image/20240208114503_shuhua-3.jpeg?s=368x245&e=t 368w, https://6.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/image/20240208114503_shuhua-3.jpeg?s=555x370&e=t 555w, https://6.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/image/20240208114503_shuhua-3.jpeg?s=900x600&e=t 900w"src ="https://6.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/image/20240208114503_shuhua-3.jpeg?s=900x600&e=t"alt =" (G)I-DLE's Shuhua To Temporarily Halt All Activities Due To Health Concerns">

(G )I-DLE‘s Shuhua will be taking a break from all of her scheduled activities.

On February 8, Cube Entertainment shared the following statement concerning (G)I-DLE’s Shuhua’s short-lived hiatus.

Hey there, this is Cube Entertainment.

We ‘d like to make a statement relating to (G)I-DLE’s Shuhua’s health and future schedule.

Shuhua just recently went to the healthcare facility due to consistent lightheadedness coming from a decrease in her [physical] condition and got medical guidance that she requires adequate rest and stability.

While Shuhua revealed a strong decision to continue with her activities, we have actually chosen to momentarily suspend all her schedules to permit her to completely concentrate on rest and healing.

We kindly request for your generous understanding as the choice was made to focus on the artist’s health. We will keep you notified of any updates concerning her schedule.

We ask forgiveness to fans for triggering issue by this abrupt news and we will do our utmost to assist our artist recuperate her health so that she can [return and] welcome fans once again in great health.

Thank you.

Previously on February 3, Cube Entertainment likewise revealed that Shuhua was not able to take part in the live broadcast of MBC’s”Music Coreon the exact same day and an arranged video call occasion the day before due to a “physical disease.”

(G)I-DLE simply made their resurgence with their brand-new album”2on January 29.

Wishing Shuhua a fast and complete healing!

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