Free One Month Free Trial of Tesla FSD 12.3.1 For ~1.8 Million Tesla Owners

Free One Month Free Trial of Tesla FSD 12.3.1 For ~1.8 Million Tesla Owners

Tesla FSD seems to be finally happening. Nextbigfuture has had the steady coverage that you see below.

Here is the link to the FSD tagged articles.

Six days ago, I reported the prediction of a wide release of Tesla FSD 12.3.

IF Tesla 12.3.1 is as good as all the reports then it could be possible for 10% of the 1.8 million non-FSD customers to become FSD customers. This would mean $2 billion in immediate revenue with the $12k purchase or $36 million per month with the subscription.

This will likely be taken off beta in April, May or June, 2024. This would mean full revenue recognition. If new 200,000 cars are sold in the USA each quarter and 25% choose FSD then this would be 50,000 sales per quarter. It would be like an extra 5% profit margin per car.

BREAKING: Tesla has now started one month free FSD trials in the US!

“Receive one month trial of Full-Self Driving Capability with a new vehicle purchase.”

— Sawyer Merritt (@SawyerMerritt) March 26, 2024

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