February’s Must-See Nollywood Hits: 11 Movies and Series You Can’t Miss

February’s Must-See Nollywood Hits: 11 Movies and Series You Can’t Miss

As February unfolds, bringing with it the season of love, Nollywood stands prepared to mesmerize audiences with a selection of motion pictures and series that assure to engage, amuse, and provoke idea. Whether you’re drawn to heartfelt tales, edge-of-your-seat thrillers, or stories that resonate with deep cultural heritage, Nollywood’s offerings this month are as varied as they are engaging.

From the cinematic work of arts that controlled in 2015’s ticket office to brand name brand-new series that are set to make their mark, here’s a list of 11 must-see Nollywood motion pictures and series this February.


“Orisa,” a Yoruba legendary movie, brings to life the experiences of an effective warrior and atrioventricular bundle of knowledgeable fighters. Directed by Odunlade Adekola, who likewise stars as the titular character, this movie browses the intricacies of power, commitment, and betrayal in an ancient Yoruba city. Readily available for streaming on Prime Video beginning February 2, 2024, “Orisa” includes an outstanding cast and a story that links with the material of Yoruba folklore and history, making it a must-watch for fans of Nollywood impressives.

Dead Serious

In “Dead Serious,” love’s intricacy is front and center as Sharon Ooja discovers herself torn in between the love of Sabinus and her daddy’s rich manager. This motion picture, launched in movie theaters on February 9, 2024, showcases the obstacles of love, social expectations, and the pursuit of joy. Directed by Moses Inwang, “Dead Serious” is a romantic drama that guarantees laughter, tears, and heartfelt minutes, making it a best addition to February’s Nollywood watchlist.

Giannis: The Marvelous Journey

“Giannis: The Marvelous Journey” is a documentary set to launch on Prime Video on February 19, 2024. It charts the amazing journey of Giannis Antetokounmpo from his modest starts in Greece as a Nigerian immigrant to his increase as an NBA super star. This documentary provides an intimate take a look at the obstacles and victories of Antetokounmpo’s life, supplying motivation and insight into the decision and durability needed to accomplish achievement. For fans of sports, bios, and Nollywood’s broadening category variety, this documentary is a must-watch, showcasing the power of determination and the universal appeal of the human spirit.

The Silent Intruder

“The Silent Intruder” checks out the marital battles of a couple dealing with sexual problems, just to discover their circumstance getting worse when their therapist establishes a fascination with the spouse. Premiering on February 9, 2024, this movie looks into styles of desire, betrayal, and the lengths one will go to conserve a marital relationship. Directed by Uyoyou Adia, “The Silent Intruder” is an engaging drama that takes a look at the intricacies of love and trust.

Last Call

“Last Call” plunges audiences into the high-stakes world of Hauwa, an on-air character played by Zainab Balogun, whose last radio program takes a scary turn. A mystical caller, who has actually abducted her mom, needs that Hauwa expose her darkest tricks on air. With a cast consisting of Valentine Ohu and Seun Ajayi, this thriller is a gripping expedition of popularity, vulnerability, and survival. Premiering across the country on February 2, 2024, “Last Call” is a Nollywood motion picture that assures to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

Sadau Sisters

The Showmax series “Sadau Sisters” provides a look into the lives of Rahama Sadau and her sis, mixing household characteristics with individual goals and difficulties. This 13-part series not just captivates however likewise offers insights into the bonds that hold households together, making it a special addition to the Nollywood scene this February.

All’s Fair in Love

Premiering in movie theaters on February 14, 2024, “All’s Fair in Love” is a romantic funny that pits 2 buddies versus each other as they contend for the love of the very same lady. This motion picture is a spirited yet informative expedition of relationship, competition, and the intricacies of love, assuring to be a Valentine’s Day hit.


“Cheta’M” is a captivating series that informs the romance of Adanna and Nnanna versus the background of warring kingdoms. Beginning February 12, 2024, on Showmax, this 130-episode legend is a deep dive into the styles of love, dispute, and reconciliation, using a fresh viewpoint on conventional stories in Nollywood.

Flawsome Season Two

“Flawsome Season Two” continues the journey of its characters as they browse the trials of life, love, and relationship. With a release date of February 12, 2024, on Showmax, this series is a testimony to the strength of the human spirit and the intricacy of relationships, appealing audiences a rollercoaster of feelings and relatable stories.

One Too Many

“One Too Many” deals with the traumatic concern of wrongful allegations and the lengths a mom will go to clear her boy’s name. Premiering on Netflix on February 23, 2024, this movie stars Dakore Egbuson in an effective story of oppression, household, and the defend fact. Directed by Kayode Kasum, “One Too Many” dives deep into the psychological and social effects of criminal allegations, making it an engaging drama that resonates with audiences’ sense of justice and the indomitable strength of a mom’s love.

When Are We Getting Married Season Two

Returning on February 14, 2024, “When Are We Getting Married” Season Two continues to check out the dating scene in Nigeria through the experiences of its lead characters, Edith and Fenwa. This YouTube series records the essence of contemporary love and the obstacles that featured it, making it a relatable and interesting expect anybody browsing the intricacies of relationships.

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