Fake Withdrawal Fixed – Hyun-Tak Kim LK99 Superconductor APS Talk and Abstract is Back

Fake Withdrawal Fixed – Hyun-Tak Kim LK99 Superconductor APS Talk and Abstract is Back

Some fraud impersonated me [Hyun-tak Kim] to withdraw it [LK99 Room Temperature Superconductor] talk at the APS conference on March 4, 2024. I [Hyun-tak Kim] already informed APS Everything will be back to normal.

The [LK99 room temperature superconductor] abstract is back at the March 4, 2024 APS (American Physical Society)

College of William & Mary, Quantum Energy Research Center in Korea

We synthesized materials, Pb10-xCux(P(O1-ySy)4)6O1-zSz (PCPOSOS), called PCPOSOS, which exhibit superconducting behavior at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. These materials displayed characteristics of a superconductor, including zero resistance, the Meissner effect, and partial levitation when placed on a magnet (arXiv: 2307.12037). The partial levitation is caused by an inhomogeneity in the magnetic field of the magnet and occurred within the range of critical magnetic fields, Hc1 and Hc2. That is, the magnetic field of the magnet increased with going from center to the edge of magnet. The magnet had approximately 2000G at the center and approximately 3,000G at its edge. The levitation occurred near center. This indicates the center of the magnet is close to Hc1. It disappeared between center and the edge near Hc2, with Hc1 being much smaller than Hc2, because the magnetic moment at Hc2 is much smaller than that at Hc1. When the magnet is slightly moved, the levitation returns to its original position. This phenomenon is analyzed as flux pinning, which is typical of a type-II superconductor. Moreover, the quantum-locking phenomenon, characteristic of a Type-I superconductor, may appear. However, we interpret PCPOSOS as a Type-II superconductor. We will show two videos of levitations and two videos of magnets.

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