Deanestor lands Robertson school deal

Deanestor lands Robertson school deal

Due to open in August 2025, the £100m campus for Dundee City Council will cater for 1,900 pupils and will replace two high schools – Craigie High School and Braeview Academy. The project is delivered under Procurement Hub, Major Projects Framework 2 (MPF2).

Deanestor will fit out over 300 rooms across the new three-storey campus, providing more than 4,000 items of loose and fitted furniture.

Designed by Holmes Miller to Passivhouse standards, the scheme will create an inspiring and sustainable environment for learning and attainment, whilst celebrating the history and achievements of the individual schools.

Ramsay McDonald, Managing Director for Deanestor in Scotland said: “This project really demonstrates Dundee City Council’s commitment to the community, to education attainment and to addressing climate change.”

“We welcome the opportunity to work as a partner of choice to both Robertson and Procurement Hub, and are looking forward to contributing to the delivery of another really high-quality, multi-use campus. We are in no doubt that these facilities will make a tremendous difference to the local community in Dundee and to city-wide education and sport.”

A wide range of furniture and specialist school equipment will be provided by Deanestor for the new campus, such as dining tables and chairs, storage cabinets and wall units, teaching walls, booth seating, mobile tray units, changing benches, lockers, classroom and meeting tables, bookcases and shelving units, craft and science tables, sports equipment, solid-grade worktops for laboratories, and industrial shelving for metalwork and woodwork.

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