Creating valuable opportunities

Creating valuable opportunities

Mr Basdeo Panday, one-­time prime minister of the lovely twin-island state of Tri­­­ni­dad and Tobago, has certain­­ly left a mark and a legacy.

Many people will re­member him for various reasons. These would include his clients when he was a lawyer, operating out of his office in San Fernando; employees of Caroni (1975) Ltd who were part of the All Trinidad Sugar Union; politicians, both of past and pre­sent gov­ernments; opposition members; and indeed all citizens of T&T, espe­cially those who were touched, in one way or another, by his charm, quick-­wittedness and generosity.

One gentleman who remembers Panday was AJ, who was a primary school student in 2000 (those are his initials because I’m not sure he would like his name printed in the media). AJ was a student in my class at Montrose Government School and had just written the SEA (Secondary Entrance Assessment) exams.

Being a late developer, it was impossible that AJ would be afforded a place in secondary school. However, with the new policy of universal education for all, AJ was given a place in a secondary school. His exact words on television on all local channels were, “I thank Mr Panday for giving me a place in secondary school.”

Today, AJ is a husband and a proud father to two chil­dren, and owner and operator of a mini-mart in Central. He developed rapidly a few years after entering secondary school and made up for time lost. He achieved a certificate in CSEC (Caribbean Secon­dary Education Certificate). He says that had he not been given that chance back in the year 2000, he would not have achieved what he has achieved today.

That is one young man who is grateful to a true leader and visionary.

Many other people would be grateful to Mr Panday for plans and policies put in place for the comfort and advancement of the citizens of this country.

This is the kind of leadership the country needs more than ever before. Will we ever see this kind of leader again? Time is running out and things are not getting any better.

WKS Hosein


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