Cops find burnt SUV similar to one used in El Socorro kidnapping

Cops find burnt SUV similar to one used in El Socorro kidnapping


Businesswoman Anesha Narine-Boodhoo who was kidnapped in El Socorro on December 29.  -
Businesswoman Anesha Narine-Boodhoo who was kidnapped in El Socorro on December 29. –

Police found a burnt-out shell of a vehicle on Saturday similar to the one used in the kidnapping of El Socorro businesswoman Anesha Narine-Boodhoo.

The vehicle was found in Centeno, south of the Churchill Roosevelt Highway.

Police are not yet able to say if it is the same SUV used in the kidnapping.

Officers from the Stolen Vehicles Unit were called in to assist in tracing the vehicle.

Narine-Boodhoo was in her white Toyota Prado SUV on a dead-end street near her store, Autorama, in El Socorro at around 8 am on December 29 when she was snatched by four men dressed in what appeared to be police tactical uniforms.

A darkly-tinted black Toyota Rush SUV with blue swivel lights, resembling those used by police, pulled up near her.

The men grabbed Narine-Boodhoo, led her to their SUV, forced her into it and then drove off.

Employees who witnessed the incident called the police.

There is still no word yet on whether the family has received a ransom demand.

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