Chris Miller Claims He Felt ‘Threatened’ by J6 Committee After Contradicting Their Nat. Guard Narrative

Chris Miller Claims He Felt ‘Threatened’ by J6 Committee After Contradicting Their Nat. Guard Narrative

As we’ve seen, the focus of the Jan. 6 Committee seemed to be about pushing a narrative that they wanted to push regarding former President Donald Trump. 

But one of the things that truly undercuts their claims about “insurrection” and other such nonsense is that former President Donald Trump offered the National Guard for the Capitol, but was turned down. 

As we’ve reported in the past, the IG report indicated that President Donald Trump wanted to ensure that the rally he had that day was a “safe event.” On Jan. 3, he brought up the question of the National Guard for what was expected to be a large crowd.

“Mr. Miller and GEN Milley met with the President at the White House at 5:30 p.m.,” the IG reported. “The primary topic they discussed was unrelated to the scheduled rally. GEN Milley told us that at the end of the meeting, the President told Mr. Miller that there would be a large number of protestors on January 6, 2021, and Mr. Miller should ensure sufficient National Guard or Soldiers would be there to make sure it was a safe event. Gen Milley told us that Mr. Miller responded, ‘We’ve got a plan and we’ve got it covered.’”

But the Capitol Police timeline of events shows that when the DOD reached out to them, the Capitol Police turned it down.

— Dr. Nickarama (@nickaramaOG) December 25, 2022

Mayor Muriel Bowser also wanted only very limited support, which she was provided. 

I wrote about this two years ago; it shouldn’t even be a question at this point. But that interferes with the narrative. 

Now, former Trump acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller is saying he felt “threatened” by the Jan. 6 Committee after he did an interview with Sean Hannity regarding Trump’s request asking to make the event be “safe.”

“The next day my lawyer got a call from the Jan. 6 staff director — I forgot exactly who it was — but basically saying, very legalistic: ‘Well, if your client has additional information he wants to share, we’d be happy to have him re-interviewed,'” Miller told the outlet.

“It was more that latent threat of, If you want to keep going on TV, we’re gonna drag you in here again for additional hours of hearing testimony. So that was the nature of that whole thing,” he added. [….]

Miller said he ‘definitely interpreted’ the panel would ‘make my life hell’ if he kept going on TV.

‘Now, you know, they’ll say, ‘No, that wasn’t it at all. We just wanted to make sure that we understood all the nuance and complexity.’ But I definitely interpreted it as… don’t fight city hall type thing,’ he explained.

The Jan. 6 Committee released audio from Miller’s testimony that he didn’t get a direct order from Trump. But that may be because there wasn’t a follow-up request by the Capitol Police or Mayor Bowser for anything more. He said during the Sean Hannity television interview that Trump did verbally authorize deployment. Kash Patel also confirmed it, and that contradicted the narrative of the Committee.

Add that to the report from Rep. Barry Loudermilk, the Chair of the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight. Loudermilk claimed that the Jan. 6 Committee “withheld” an interview from White House Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato, which further does in the Committee’s claim that they didn’t have evidence showing the Trump White House requested National Guard assistance for Jan. 6.

“Mr. Ornato’s testimony proves what Mr. [Mark] Meadows has said all along, President Trump did in fact offer 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down,” Loudermilk said in a statement.

Gen. Keith Kellogg also appears to have confirmed what Trump said and asked that his testimony be released. 

To be clear on 6 Jan/NG. Pg 199 of my book, “On 3 Jan the President asked the Def Dept to deploy NG troops” into DC for J6 contingencies. OK for J6 Cmte to publicly release my full sworn testimony. Release Army Guard and DC Mayor J6 testimonies as well. Would be illuminating.

— Keith Kellogg (@generalkellogg) July 27, 2022

So there seems to have been more than ample evidence that Trump made the offer, but they just never requested it prior to Jan. 6. 

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