Can You Get Boltmane in Palworld?

Can You Get Boltmane in Palworld?

With over 100 Pals in Palworld, there are plenty of creatures for players to catch every step of the game. From Level 1 to 50, there are tons of Pals to discover throughout every landscape and biome, making the path to the cap level a hearty achievement.

However, throughout all the grinding, players are having trouble finding Boltmane. Given that it was one of the most popular Pals due to design similarities to Pokemon, it’s strange that players didn’t immediately find it in the game. Boltmane is even a part of the initial Palworld trailer, being advertised as some cave-dwelling creature. Where is Boltmane? Can we catch it?

Where Do You Find Boltmane in Palworld?

Screenshot via Palworld Wiki

Unfortunately, the reason players are having such a tough time finding Boltmane is because Boltmane is technically unreleased content. If you’re playing the game without messing with data or modding, you’ll never find a Boltmane out in the wild. For a long time, players assumed that Boltmane was some kind of end-game exclusive Pal like Jetragon. While it was in the trailer, Boltmane isn’t in the game as of the time of writing this article.

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Why Isn’t Boltmane in Palworld?

Screenshot via Palworld Wiki

The likely reason for Boltmane’s lack of presence in Palworld is that the game is still in early access. Keeping in mind that the game is not complete, it makes sense that there are some Pals that only come through as extra data or in their alpha forms.

If you want to see the Pal in action, you can summon Boltmane through the power of cheating. However, in normal gameplay, Boltmane isn’t obtainable. This makes any potential abilities of the creature, like being ridden or having an extra weapon skill, all a mystery as well.

Related: All Types of Pal Eggs in Palworld & How to Hatch Them

When Will Boltmane Be Added to Palworld?

While we don’t know when Boltmane will be released, it’s likely an earlier installation rather than something too far off. Since the Pal is already in the game, all the devs need to do is perfect the final touches of the abilities and design before it can come into the game properly. Aside from bug fixes, we can likely expect Boltmane to make an appearance when the first significant update of the game comes along with new content, likely in the same update that’ll bring Pals like Dagostrophe and more Tower Bosses into the game.

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