Sweden has been on high alert following the anticipation of its NATO membership in 2024 and the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.


Russia mocked Swedish security officials’ war warnings (Image: Getty)

Russian Senator Pushkov, chairman of the information committee in the Russian Senate, ridiculed Sweden‘s recent war warnings as “anti-Russian paranoia”. The Russian President Vladimir Putin‘s ally took to Telegram to express his views, labelling Sweden as one of the leading countries in Europe plagued by such sentiments.

“Sweden is one of the first countries in Europe in terms of the level of anti-Russian paranoia. Russian submarines have been fishing there for many years, and for some, this has become the main occupation in life,” he wrote on Telegram, dismissing the gravity of the situation.

According to Pushkov, the recent warnings of a possible war from Sweden’s Civil Defence Minister, Carl-Oskar Bohlin, are nothing more than “nonsense” that the country has been putting forward for many years. He suggested that such statements were an attempt to inflate Sweden’s geopolitical importance beyond reality.

“Apparently, this is how they try to give Sweden a geopolitical importance that it does not have. Sometimes it seems that some Swedish military personnel, as well as journalists, are almost dreaming of war,” Pushkov added, taking a swipe at the Swedish military’s mindset.

“Apparently, they can’t calm down since the defeat at Poltava,” the pro-Putin senator remarked, referring to Sweden’s historical defeat at Poltava in 1709, a key moment in the Great Northern War.

Sweden has been on high alert following the anticipation of its NATO membership in 2024 and the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Civil Defence Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin stressed the urgency of enhancing Sweden’s resilience at the Folk och Forsvar conference in Salen.

“Many have said it before me, but let me say it with the force of my office – there could be a war in Sweden,” warned Mr Bohlin, stressing the need for collective efforts from all segments of society.

Commander-in-Chief Micael Byden echoed these sentiments, drawing parallels with Ukraine‘s situation and emphasizing the importance of mental preparedness. “This is a very serious situation, and the clarity yesterday was unmistakable. It is now about moving from words and understanding to action,” urged Mr Byden.

While acknowledging recent security investments, Mr Byden highlighted the necessity of expedited NATO membership to further bolster Sweden’s defence capabilities. He also urged citizens to consider their preparedness, drawing attention to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

In response to the escalating situation, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) has been tasked with aiding essential authorities and companies in building their wartime organisation. The government also aims to conduct an analysis to enhance the security of health product supplies in the face of potential conflict.

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