Always the Same. Rep. Cori Bush Makes Student Loan Forgiveness About … You Guessed it …RACE

Always the Same. Rep. Cori Bush Makes Student Loan Forgiveness About … You Guessed it …RACE

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush is famous for making everything, absolutely everything, about race. Which, considering her Democratic competition, is quite the achievement!

What’s next on the list? Oh yes, student loan forgiveness!

The burden of student debt falls disproportionately on Black and brown students.

No one should be punished with decades of debt for pursuing an education. Cancel student debt now.

— Congresswoman Cori Bush (@RepCori) December 29, 2023

To start with, student debt is not a ‘punishment,’ it is a choice. Everyone signed the same papers. Also, debt isn’t spread around evenly. You pay for your debt and so it isn’t a ‘burden’ that falls to any particular group. Well not yet. Wait until Democrats do manage to distribute that debt around.

In the meantime, however, Twitter has thoughts.

White kids don’t have student debt? Good grief, you’re dumb.

— Velcra (@Velcra1959) December 29, 2023


Black families borrow student loans at higher rates than other races.

They also borrow more than they need.

I’m just the messenger. 🤷🏻‍♂️

— Amiri King (@AmiriKing) December 29, 2023

Because they disproportionally chose to get student loans

— Dr.Carol X Lunz PhD She/Him,GED Alumni,POC-Ally (@marinasmigielsk) December 29, 2023

But they won’t. The taxpayer will be responsible for the bill and those in lower income brackets will feel the impacy through higher and higher inflation!


If student debt is canceled, universities should share a significant portion of that cost. They have been increasingly inflating cost for too long.

— Jon Hoskins (@ArgentariusJon) December 29, 2023

It’s all a game to them.

🤣 Always gotta race bait.

Democrats won’t do a darn thing to “cancel” your student loans.

You want to know why? It’s a carrot to get votes.

— Brandon (@Par2ivalz) December 29, 2023

It’s quite literally her entire political thing.

Always about race with you. Congratulations, you found your grift

— Barry (@BarrysRevenge1) December 29, 2023


debt is racist?

— Eezallgood (@eezallgood) December 29, 2023

Even her fellow lefties are annoyed by this completely forced racial narrative.

The burden of any debt falls disproportionately on anyone and everyone.

No one should be punished with decades of debt for pursuing an education. Cancel all debt now.

Apply the rule to everthing Cori.

Cancel all debt

— camopapa1969 (@camopapa041069) December 29, 2023

You could’ve made the same point except excluded the first part. Statistically that’s probably correct, but everyone with student loan debt deserves forgiveness.

— ChiTownTony (@chitowntony19) December 29, 2023

True for everyone.

It isn’t difficult.

They agreed to borrow the money in exchange for an education, they agreed to pay it back. Pay it back yourself. I didn’t ask for it, I didn’t agree to it, I didn’t get the benefit of it. Pay your own loans, I do.

— Golf-Ski-Ride (@JamesDeVito15) December 29, 2023

The left try to force victim narratives to avoid discussing the details of their arguments. But even this one is wearing out faster than she expected.

What will she try to blame on race next?


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