Alibaba deepens price war as Taobao provides independent channel for B2B business 1688

Alibaba deepens price war as Taobao provides independent channel for B2B business 1688

Alibaba’s wholesale market 1688 just recently opened 3 main online stores on Taobao, reinforcing the business’s low-price method which is anticipated to see increasing inexpensive materials streaming in. According to Chinese media firm Caixin, the 3 stand-alone shops offer furnishings and basic product produced by widely known brand-name factories, workplace materials and company consumables, and unbranded white-label products. It is likewise reported that Taobao would establish an independent channel comparable to the one shared by Tmall Supermarket for 1688-based services, making it much easier for consumers to select products without needing to download its initial app.[[Caixin, in Chinese]

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