House Intel Chair Warns About Mysterious ‘Serious National Security Threat’

House Intel Chair Warns About Mysterious ‘Serious National Security Threat’


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) warned of a mysterious “serious national security threat” and called on President Joe Biden to “declassify all information” Wednesday, though it’s not immediately clear what the threat entails.

FILE – Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, speaks during a House Intelligence Committee hearing on Capitol … [+] Hill in Washington, Nov. 20, 2019. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

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Key Facts

Turner said the committee has made information on the threat available to all members of Congress, but declassifying the information was necessary so “Congress, the administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat.”

No officials have specified the threat, but multiple outlets have reported that it involves Russia, with ABC News citing two sources who said the threat involves Russia hoping to use a nuclear weapon in space—not to use on Earth but potentially to target satellites.

In the wake of Turner’s comment, Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.), the intelligence committee’s top Democrat, told NBC that, while Turner was right to call attention to the issue, there was no immediate threat to safety, describing the situation as something that needs to be addressed in the “medium to long run.”

Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson echoed those comments, reportedly saying there was “no need for public alarm” and he will “press the administration to take appropriate action.”

Speaking at a White House press conference after Turner’s statement was released, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said he was “a bit surprised” by Turner’s remarks because he’d previously reached out to the Gang of Eight for a personal briefing and had a meeting on the books with Turner and the other house intelligence leaders set for tomorrow.

He declined to give any further details, adding he was focused on Thursday’s meeting, but did not rule out declassifying material if it’s determined to be in the interest of national security.

He acknowledged, however, that it was “highly unusual” for the National Security Advisor to reach out to the whole Gang of Eight for a meeting.

Crucial Quote

“People should not panic—that is unequivocal,” Himes said, according to NBC News.


Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), the chair and vice-chair of the Senate’s Intelligence Committee noted in a joint statement that their committee had also received the intelligence “and has been rigorously tracking this issue from the start.” But they stopped short of calling for a declassification of material, saying that they were “discussing an appropriate response with the administration” and that they “must be cautious about potentially disclosing sources and methods that may be key to preserving a range of options for U.S. action.” Meanwhile, Sullivan declined to say definitively whether Thursday’s planned meeting was focused on the same threat that Turner alluded to, but told reporters: “I’ll leave it to you to draw whatever connections you want—all I can say is I’ve reached out to see Turner and Turner’s gone out publicly.”

Key Background

Turner also reportedly sent a letter to fellow House members prior to his public statement, telling colleagues the intelligence committee has “identified an urgent matter with regard to a destabilizing foreign military capability that should be known by all Congressional policy makers,” though the letter did not specify what that foreign entity was. He added the material was available for member review through Friday.

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