7 exciting sci-fi films on OTT

7 exciting sci-fi films on OTT

OTT is a bonanza of sci-fi movies. Here are 7 amazing movies readily available on numerous platforms to watch out for.

Embed in a post-apocalyptic world where Earth has actually frozen over, the movie follows the last residues of mankind aboard a constantly moving train. It can be watchec on Netflix.


In a dystopian future where feelings are reduced to keep peace, the movie follows a police officer who starts to question the system after experiencing feelings himself.


The movie takes audiences on a time-travelling experience as a guy from the future, played by Ryan Reynolds, looks for to conserve the world by reuniting with his more youthful self. It can be viewed on Netflix.

The Adam Project

Directed by Christopher Nolan, it is a mind-bending break-in movie that looks into the world of dreams and subconscious control. It stars Leonardo Di Caprio and Cillian Murphy. It is readily available on Netflix.


When mystical extraterrestrial spacecraft gets here in the world, a linguist is hired to develop interaction with the alien visitors. It stars Amy Adams and Forest Whitaker in crucial functions.


Adjusted from Frank Herbert’s book of the exact same name, it follows the journey of a boy as he browses magical powers and the extreme landscapes of dune.


Set thirty years after the initial movie, the follow up follows a brand-new blade runner, Officer K, as he discovers a long-buried trick that might plunge society into mayhem.

Blade Runner 2049

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