Beth Hart Drops Out of Mahindra Blues Festival Citing Mental Health Concerns

Beth Hart Drops Out of Mahindra Blues Festival Citing Mental Health Concerns

The blues powerhouse vocalist was scheduled to perform in India and Australia this week

American blues artist Beth Hart was scheduled to perform at Mahindra Blues Festival in Mumbai on February 11th.

Mahindra Blues Festival headliner Beth Hart has pulled out of the two-day event in Mumbai, citing ongoing health concerns.

In a statement uploaded by the Mahindra Blues team to their Instagram earlier today, Hart says, “I regret to inform you that I must cancel my upcoming appearances in both India at the Mahindra Blues Festival and Australia due to ongoing health concerns, particularly related to my mental well-being. My health condition prevented me from boarding my flight today to begin my tour as planned.”

The Grammy-nominated artist was slated to perform on February 11th at Mahindra Blues, whose lineup featured an all-female lineup in its 12th edition. Hart statement added, “This decision comes after careful consideration and consultation with my doctors, as I have been under their care since October. Managing bipolar disorder has been challenging, and prioritizing my health is crucial at this time.”

She offered further details of the care that she’d been receiving in the past months. “The management of my medication became more challenging in the last week, and despite my efforts to make the tour work, I need to focus on my recovery,” she added.

Hart, who last performed in India in 2017, apologized to fans in the note. “Your support means the world to me, and I deeply apologize for any disappointment this may cause. I was looking forward to sharing in the energy and passion for music with you all. I promise to make it up to you once I am in better health. Thank you for understanding, and I appreciate your support,” she signed off.

The Mahindra Blues Festival shared their own statement to Hart and for attendees about the cancelation. A note on Instagram from the festival states, “We’re saddened to hear about your health and fully support your prioritizing it. Your presence will be greatly missed at the Mahindra Blues Festival, as your unique talent and passion have always been a beacon for blues enthusiasts. While we regret not experiencing your magic this year, your well-being is paramount. We eagerly await the day we can welcome you back. Until then, rest assured, we’ll keep the blues flame burning bright. The Mahindra Blues Tribe wishes you a speedy recovery and looking forward to the moment we can celebrate your return.”

The festival rolls on despite Hart’s cancelation, with the lineup including blues, soul and rock-informed artists such as Dana Fuchs, Samantha Fish, Sheryl Youngblood, Vanessa Collier and Shillong’s Tipriti Kharbangar with Mumbai artist Kanchan Daniel, plus the Big Blues Band Hunt winners, New Delhi band Big Bang Blues.

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