LIVE: Nevada Caucus Results

LIVE: Nevada Caucus Results

While Nevada’s (essentially meaningless) Presidential Preference Primary was held on Tuesday (and resulted in the rather amusing anomaly of former South Carolina Governor and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley coming in second behind “None of the Above”), the Silver State’s Republican Caucus — where the state’s 26 delegates are up for grabs — is being held on Thursday evening (from 8:00 pm to 10:30 pm Eastern).

READ MORE: Second to ‘None’: Nikki Haley Loses Nevada Primary – the Jokes Write Themselves

Unlike the primary, in which former President Donald Trump’s name wasn’t on the ballot, the caucus won’t feature Haley’s as she opted not to participate in it. The only other candidate on the ballot this evening will be Ryan Binkley. So, there’s not a ton of suspense in this one. But the turnout will be interesting to gauge nonetheless. 

RedState will bring you the live results right here, so be sure to check in — and participate in the comments below. 

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