Triangle, VA Author Publishes Romance Novel

Triangle, VA Author Publishes Romance Novel

Is Love Worth the Wait?, a new book by David E. Clemons, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.

Is Love Worth the Wait? is a book of hope, romance, and truth based on the author’s dreams. He hopes to inspire others to voice their true feelings of love. This can be done in order to avoid having sleepless nights caused by thoughts of what could have been. This story is one of the Logans and the Hunts, who are best friends of different races in the segregated south. Their children, Greg, Wayne, and Sandra grow up as family. Soon Wayne develops feelings for Sandra that he is afraid to speak out about because he doesn’t want to destroy the relationship their families have.

Will he keep it bottled up forever or will he take a chance at happily ever after?

About the Author
David E. Clemons was born in North Carolina. He currently resides in Virginia. He is a single man who spends a lot of time thinking about what could become reality if only someone would take the time to try to understand things that are wrong and subsequently correct them. He has a wandering mind and has many ideas while in deep sleep at night. He began to write down these ideas and compile a book of his dreams as though they are real for his readers.

Is Love Worth the Wait? is a 320-page paperback with a retail price of $22.00 (eBook $17.00). The ISBN is 979-8-89027-076-4. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For members of the press, to request a review copy, visit our virtual pressroom at or to buy the book visit our online bookstore at

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