How to know when occasional ‘twitch’ in your eye could be something more dangerous

How to know when occasional ‘twitch’ in your eye could be something more dangerous

It’s always at the wrong time when you are hit by a random sensation.

Sometimes, it’s impossible to recover when spontaneous hiccups hit during a conversation or the constant need to sneeze without actually sneezing cloud your concentration.

This annoyance is even more so when there’s a ‘twitch‘ in your eye that comes and goes occasionally.

According to the NHS, these twitches, which can affect all parts of your body, are a telltale sign for people who are suffering from anxiety or stress.

Tiredness, exhaustion or an excessive amount of caffeine or alcohol can also bring on twitches either in the eyes or legs.

Dr Cornelius Rene, a consultant oculoplastic surgeon at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, explained the sensation to The Guardian.

“There are several reasons why a twitch in the eyelid can happen.

“But the commonest cause is something called benign essential blepharospasm, or BEB, which is an uncontrollable spasm of the eyelid, for which there is often no underlying cause.”

He went on to summarise that if it is just one eyelid twitching, then it is called myokymia, a benign condition that, luckily, will get better by itself – usually only lasting a few days up to a week.

Eye twitches can be some of the most annoying day-today occurrences. Credit: Getty Stock Photos

However, suppose it has been persisting for over two weeks.

In that case, it is recommended that you see a doctor who can refer you to a specialist or examine some potential medicines you may be taking that could be causing the condition to worsen.

But if it stays for weeks, it could signify something more severe.

Dr Luke Powles, associate clinical director at Bupa Health Clinics, told the Guardian: “If you experience a persistent twitch that lingers for more than two weeks and notice any unusual changes in your eye’s appearance or sensation, it may be indicative of an underlying issue.

“These might be early indicators of multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease, a progressive brain disorder that can lead to muscle stiffness and tension, making movements and facial expressions more challenging.”

If your eye twitch is severe, it could be early onset Parkinson’s Disease. Credit: Getty Stock Photos

However, if it is just a short-term twitch, here is some advice to help you deal with it.

The NHS recommends that to get rid of it, you get plenty of rest, find ways to relax, stretch and massage tense/cramped muscles and try not to worry about the twitch itself, as it can make it even worse.

Dr Rene also recommends cutting down on your coffee intake as well to ‘reduce your stress’.

So, to summarise it, perhaps you need to chill out.

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