Futureneers’ 12BA portfolio unveiling

Futureneers’ 12BA portfolio unveiling

Hosted by Alec Hogg, Futureneers’ Deon Lewis, Jaco Gerber and James Rothmann, explored the advanced Renewable Asset Portfolio. Individuals checked out the powerful Section 12BA SARS tax reward, permitting an 85% in advance financial investment de-risking. The chance, using a 125% tax reduction for Western Cape-based solar possessions, was 71% moneyed with just R39 million offered. Participants found out how the financial investment compared to a retirement annuity and comprehended the ingenious En Commandite Partnership structure, guaranteeing a 30% pre-tax (15% post-tax) Internal Rate of Return. The occasion offered insights into the future of sustainable financial investments, and individuals were prompted to act quickly due to high need.


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