Kerwin Dubois is back on home soil for Carnival for the first time in three years and the 2014 Groovy Soca Monarch, multiple-hit songwriter, singer and performer is overjoyed to be home!
“No place like home… like Teja say,” he quipped with a chuckle after exiting the terminal at Piarco International Airport. “It’s a great feeling to be back and the anticipation is there. After all that time away… I’m going to make this one special!”
His 2024 releases thus far have all sparked special interest from DJs, masqueraders, dancers, tastemakers and promoters alike: from the steamy collaboration with Sea Lots sensation Yung Bredda entitled “Sugar Waist”, to his smooth solo, “Energy Killers” on the Maha Productions, Dolby Atmos-produced, Electric slide-referencing Candy Dance Riddim. Then there’s the hyper-charged “Document We” with long-time friend and frequent collaborator Shal Marshall and the provocative ladies and fitness-frenzied fan favourite, “Benderella”.
Laced with the harsh and pleasant realities of the day, Dubois’ lyrics purposefully touch on all the topical issues of life in this unpredictable time, while still maintaining the essence of freedom and joy that he believes we should all find rooted in our Carnival and even everyday experiences.
“I wanted to be more real and bring it down to the core, so I can talk about certain things in this time,” he admitted. “Now is de time to talk de tings so we can find solutions and make more positive and productive contributions to the art form, to the industry, to the world, to society… Soca just turned 50 years and we barely noticed because we were so busy getting back to normal. We had better enjoy this Carnival and remember those years we couldn’t lime or go fete, or play mas or hear pan playing and jump for joy in the streets of Port of Spain!”
Kerwin definitely has the Carnival Vibes!

Derrel Ho-Shing Photography

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