Top 10 Nollywood Films to Look Out For This Year

Top 10 Nollywood Films to Look Out For This Year

Nollywood, Nigeria’s growing movie market, continues to mesmerize audiences with its varied storytelling and special viewpoints. Following a landmark year in 2023, marked by huge set pieces, historic stories, and record-breaking streaming and ticket office successes, 2024 is forming up to be another amazing year for Nollywood movies.

This short article explores the leading 10 Nollywood movies to keep an eye out for this year, showcasing a mix of categories, from criminal activity thrillers and biopics to funnies and dreams, each assuring to be a cinematic reward.

To Kill a Monkey

Kemi Adetiba’s most current endeavor, “To Kill a Monkey” (TKAM), is a gripping criminal offense thriller series that marks a brand-new instructions for the well-known filmmaker. Boasting an ensemble cast consisting of William Benson and Bucci Franklin, this Netflix series concluded primary photography in October 2023 and is excitedly expected for its 2024 best. Adetiba’s storytelling expertise and the star-studded cast make TKAM a must-watch for Nollywood movie lovers.

Oloture Series

After the success of the movie “Oloture” on Netflix, Kenneth Gyang goes back to direct its follow up series. The journey of Oloture, played by Sharon Ooja, continues as she browses hostile areas in Niger and Libya. The cast’s return, combined with Gyang’s instructions, makes sure that the series will be an awesome watch, providing a much deeper expedition of its interesting story. This made him among the most expected Nollywood movies this year.

Anikulapo Series

Kunle Afolayan’s “Anikulapo: Rise of the Spectre,” a follow up series to the 2022 hit, explores the styles of reincarnation and soul connections. With a mix of returning and brand-new faces, consisting of Sola Sowobale and Kunle Remi, this Netflix-bound series assures an abundant, fantastical expedition of Nollywood’s imaginative capacity.

Funmilayo Ransome Kuti

This biopic, a homage to the famous Funmilayo Ransome Kuti, originates from BAP Production. Featuring Kehinde Bankole and Joke Silva, the movie had a minimal run in 2023 and is set to formally premiere in 2024. Its honors at AFRIFF 2023, consisting of Best Screenplay, make it a considerable Nollywood movie to view this year.

Sugar Rush 2

The follow up to the 2019 hit, “Sugar Rush,” directed by Kayode Kasum, sees Adesua Etomi, Bisola Aiyeola, and Bimbo Ademoye repeating their functions. Under Caribbean filmmaker Khris Burton, “Sugar Rush 2” guarantees to be an exciting follow-up, making it among the most awaited Nollywood movies of the year.

This is Lagos

Directed by Kenneth Gyang, “This is Lagos” informs the story of Stevo, played by Gabriel Afolayan, and his mission for superstardom. The movie’s ensemble cast and Gyang’s proficient instructions make it a standout job, providing a distinct representation of Lagos city life.


A sci-fi funny from director Isioma Osaje, “Japa!” stars Adesua Etomi and a gifted ensemble. Understood for producing noteworthy movies like “Day of Destiny,” Osaje’s most current task is shrouded in secret however assures to be an amazing addition to Nollywood’s sci-fi category.

The Artifact

“The Artifact,” an exhilarating experience by Tolu Lord Tanner, follows 4 pals on a cross-country journey. With a cast consisting of Adeoluwa Akintoba and Miracle Inyanda, the movie integrates action and sociability, showcasing Nollywood’s capability to produce fascinating experience movies.

I Do Not Come To You By Chance

Adjusted from Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani’s unique and directed by Ishaya Bako, this movie had its best at TIFF 2023. It follows a Nigerian graduate, played by Paul Nnadiekwe, who gets associated with e-mail frauds. The movie is notable for Genevieve Nnaji’s executive production and Bako’s storytelling.

77: The FESTAC Conspiracy

Izu Ojukwu’s “’77: The FESTAC Conspiracy” is a historic thriller set around the 1977 FESTAC occasion. Reuniting Ramsey Nouah and Rita Dominic, the movie extends the story of the well-known ’76 and is poised to be a considerable historic piece in Nollywood’s collection.

Nollywood in 2024 guarantees a varied and exhilarating lineup of movies. From historic stories to modern-day thrillers, these leading 10 movies are set to display the adaptability and innovative expertise of Nollywood. As these movies make their method to screens, they

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