The World Bank has actually provided a tender for consultancy services for Uganda’s Electricity Access Scale-up Project (EASP). Backed by World Bank financing, EASP will manage the implementation of 40 solar power water system plans throughout the East African nation.

Image: Soliman Cifuentes, Unsphash

Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment has actually released a tender for consultancy services for the Electricity Access Scale-up Project (EASP).

The five-year job imagines the building of 40 solar power supply of water plan plans throughout the nation, to link families, refugee and host neighborhoods and other residences to electrical power.

With financing from the World Bank, the picked specialist will be accountable for building guidance, eligibility evaluation, an expediency research study and comprehensive style of the supply, setup and commissioning of the supply plans.

The Ugandan federal government introduced a tender welcoming designers to develop the solar power supply of water plans in November.

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The World Bank supplied $638 countless moneying to support the Ugandan federal government’s Electricity Access Scale-up Project (EASP), according to regional media reports.

According to the most recent figures from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Uganda tape-recorded 94 MW of set up PV capability at the end of 2022.

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