The Book of Shaders

The Book of Shaders

19659001 by 19459006 Patricio Gonzalez Vivo 19459007 and Jen Lowe 19659002 This is a mild detailed guide through the abstract and complicated universe of Fragment Shaders. Contents 19659004 About this book Beginning What is a shader? “Hello world!” Uniforms 19659009 Running your shader Algorithmic illustration 19659011 Forming functions Colors Shapes Matrices 19659015 Patterns 19659016 Generative styles Random Sound 19659019 Cellular sound 19659020 Fractional brownian movement 19659021 Fractals 19659022 Image processing Textures 19659024 Image operations 19659025 Kernel convolutions Filters 19659027 Others impacts Simulation Pingpong Conway Ripples Water color Response diffusion 19659034 3D graphics Lights 19659036 Normal-maps Bump-maps Ray marching 19659039 Environmental-maps (round and cube) 19659040 Show and refract 19659041 Appendix: 19459007 Other methods to utilize this book How can I browse this book offline? 19659043 How to run the examples on a Raspberry Pi? 19659044 How to print this book? How can I work together? An intro for those originating from JS by Nicolas Barradeau Examples Gallery 19659048 Glossary 19659049 About the Authors 19659050 Patricio Gonzalez Vivo (1982, Buenos Aires, Argentina) is a New York based artist and designer. He checks out interstitial areas in between natural and artificial, analog and digital, specific and cumulative. In his work he utilizes code as a meaningful language with the intent of establishing a much better together. 19659051 Patricio studied and practiced psychiatric therapy and meaningful art treatment. He holds an MFA in Design & & Technology from Parsons The New School, where he now teaches. Presently he works as a Graphic Engineer at Mapzen making openSource mapping tools. 19659052 Jen Lowe is an independent information researcher and information communicator at Datatelling where she unites individuals + numbers + words. She teaches in SVA’s Design for Social Innovation program, cofounded the School for Poetic Computation, taught Math for Artists at NYU ITP, investigated at the Spatial Information Design Lab at Columbia University, and contributed concepts at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. She’s spoken at SXSW and Eyeo. Her work has actually been covered by The New York Times and Fast Company. Her research study, composing, and speaking check out the guarantees and ramifications of information and innovation in society. She has a B.S. in Applied Math and a Master’s in Information Science. Frequently oppositional, she’s constantly on the side of love. 19659053 Recognitions Thanks 19459040 Scott Murray for the motivation and guidance. 19659055 Thanks 19459041 Kenichi Yoneda (Kynd) , Nicolas Barradeau , 19459043 Karim Naaji 19459007 for contributing with assistance, great concepts and code. 19659056 Thanks 19459041 Kenichi Yoneda (Kynd) and 19459044 Sawako for the 19459045 Japanese translation (日本語訳) Thanks 19459046 Tong Li and Yi Zhang 19459007 for the Chinese translation (中文版) 19659058 Thanks 19459049 Jae Hyun Yoo and 19459050 June Kim 19459007 for the Korean translation (한국어) Thanks Nahuel Coppero (Necsoft) for the Spanish translation (español) 19659060 Thanks 19459053 Raphaela Protásio and 19459054 Lucas Mendonça for the Portuguese translation (portugues) Thanks Nicolas Barradeau 19459007 and 19459043 Karim Naaji 19459007 for the French 19459056 translation (français) Thanks Andrea Rovescalli 19459007 for the Italian 19459058 translation (italiano) 19659063 Thanks Michael Tischer 19459007 for the German translation (deutsch) Thanks Sergey Karchevsky for the Russian 19459062 translation (russian) 19659065 Thanks 19459063 Vu Phuong Hoang 19459007 for the Vietnamese translation (Tiếng Việt) Thanks 19459065 Andy Stanton for repairing and enhancing 19459066 the pdf/epub export pipeline 19659067 Thanks to everybody who has actually thought in this job and 19459067 contributed with repairs or contributions. 19659068 Get brand-new chapters 19659069 Register for the news letter or follow it on 19459068 Twitter / 19459069 Mastodon 19459007/ 19459070 Discord 19659070 LICENSE Copyright (c) Patricio Gonzalez Vivo, 2015 – 19459006 19459007 All rights booked. Learn more

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