Party of the Year: Victoria’s Pride Street Party

Party of the Year: Victoria’s Pride Street Party

2023 was a strange and in many ways difficult year for the Queer community. Despite WorldPride taking place in Sydney, and Melbourne’s very own Midsumma being a resounding success, those who have issues with the Queer Community became that little bit louder. 

Sticking It To The Bigots

So, what is the best response to this? It is to be louder, prouder and more Queer than ever before. Victoria’s Pride, is the absolute perfect time for this. And there is no better event than Victoria’s Pride Street Fair. Open to all ages, identities and abilities, the Street Fair is a 10‑hour rollercoaster of colour and joy. 

Since the first Pride March down Government Street in 1994, Victoria’s Pride has grown and spread around the state. From Bendigo to Smith Street, Pride is the time of year where Victorians highlight that Sydney isn’t the only place to be loud, Queer and proud, and that (perhaps) they may even do it a little better. 

What’s Happening

The main event will of course be the Gertrude and Smith Street party, held at the close of every Victoria’s Pride. A huge event, filled with circus drag, DJs, and dance. While this, and the broader Melbourne-centric festival of Midsumma, are the biggest draw, Victoria’s Pride is not just centred around the Big Smoke. The Regional Activation Program ensures that Pride across the state is celebrated, but all comes to a head on Sunday, February 12 Street Party. 

While it is obviously important to keep our Pride on every day of the week, this 2023/2024 summer is the perfect opportunity for everyone to be as out and proud as humanly possible. Victoria’s Pride Street Fair is one hell of an opportunity to do this, and from 11am–9pm, the only thing that matters is connecting with the community and celebrating Pride like only Victorians know how. 

For additional information, visit this website.

When: February 12

Where: Gertrude and Smith Street, Fitzroy VIC

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