Understanding inter-ethnic marriage in Nigeria

Understanding inter-ethnic marriage in Nigeria

Inter-ethnic marriage is nothing new in Nigeria. Despite the socio-cultural differences, people from different ethnic groups fall in love and get married to start their own family.

However, some parts of society still frown on the practice for reasons best known to them. In ancient times, inter-ethnic marriages were restricted to members of the high class, particularly, royalty who tried to form alliances with or to influence other kingdoms in other protect their territories.  Now, this form of marriage is everywhere, including among the lower class, thanks to a lot of factors including education and modern civilisation.

Therefore, this article throws more light on inter-ethnic marriage in Nigeria.

Inter-ethnic marriage is defined as marriage between people from different ethnic groups. An ethnic group is defined as a social group or category of the population that, in a larger society, is set apart and bound together by common ties of race, language, nationality or culture. This type of marriage has been in existence for centuries.

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In ancient times, inter-ethnic marriages were mostly conducted among the higher class and royalty who wanted to protect their interests. Now, it has been embraced by all classes of the human society.

Inter-ethnic marriage in Nigeria

Nigeria is a country with over 250 ethnic groups and even more indigenous languages. So, inter-ethnic marriages are quite common in the country. However many Nigerian societies still frown on their people marrying people from other ethnic groups as tribalism is still a very big issue in the country. Nigeria is not a united nation as it portrays itself to be. There are cases of inter-ethnic violence, especially during elections.

Problems of inter-ethnic marriage in Nigeria

Prejudice against an ethnic group

In Nigeria, many ethnic groups have prejudices against other ethnic groups. When one ethnic group sees the other as dirty with primitive practices or feels they are superior to the other, then marriage between such ethnic groups is difficult. Oftentimes, the reason couples in interethnic marriages break up is because of these prejudices.

Cultural differences

Every ethnic group has its culture and traditions. The differences in culture will always be felt by couples from different ethnic groups. Cultures surrounding taboos and norms, etiquette, naming, talking, rites, food, dressing and general outlook in life can negatively affect marriages. A spouse may unwittingly flout the rules set by the society they are married into, which can create problems for the other spouse. It could also be that a spouse may have total disregard for their spouse’s culture simply because they were raised differently. These can cause problems not just for the couple, but for their families as well.

Language barrier

There are over 500 indigenous languages in Nigeria. However, Nigeria has the English language as the official language. But most people prefer to speak their local language, especially in informal settings. This can cause problems for spouses from different ethnic groups.

Geographical distance between families

Humans are social beings. No matter how much love you may feel for your partner from another ethnic group, you may always crave closeness with your family, especially if you were raised in one where there is love and unity. It can be a hard pill to swallow for living apart from your family because you are married to another family from a different tribe and even farther geographical location.

Religious differences

Each ethnic group in Nigeria has a major religion. For instance, regarding the three major tribes in Nigeria: The Igbo are predominantly Christians, the Hausa/Fulani are predominantly Muslims and the Yoruba are mostly a mix of both religions. Therefore, when an Igbo Christian is married to a Hausa Muslim, there is bound to be religious conflict, especially when each or one is deeply rooted in their religion.

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Lack of family acceptance

Being with a family that does not accept you because of your ethnicity can be hard. It can affect your marriage and the children in the marriage as well. It is not uncommon to see children from inter-ethnic marriages who do not know their extended families.

Diverse parenting style

Inter-ethnic marriage can be challenging, especially when it comes to raising children. Spouses may find themselves clashing over which parenting style is the best based on their different backgrounds. There are cases of marriages breaking up due to conflicting parenting styles. Also, children raised in inter-ethnic homes often suffer from identity crises, emotional instability and a great resentment towards their parents.

Advantages of inter-ethnic marriage in Nigeria

It fosters love and unity among diverse ethnic groups

When people from different tribes come together in marriage, it will encourage love and unity. Part of Nigeria’s problems is tribalism. One of the ways of tackling tribalism is through marriage. When a Yoruba man marries an Igbo woman and it occurs frequently, the chances of tribal discrimination will be greatly reduced.

Fosters mutual interest in culture and history

Marriage is a lifetime commitment. Before couples agree to marry, they will try to learn their partners’ background, which includes their history, customs and traditions. Learning about other people’s backgrounds will help you appreciate them for who they are. As a result, tribal conflicts and discrimination will be greatly reduced.

Reduces inter-ethnic conflict

When people of diverse backgrounds intermarry, the chances of inter-ethnic conflict will be significantly reduced. No one would like to attack another ethnic group when they have a kin there. People may be brutal but family comes first in most cases.

Religious tolerance

Inter-ethnic marriage fosters religious tolerance. There will be empathy and understanding, leading to an increasingly understanding Nigerian society.

Fosters true federalism

With inter-ethnic marriage, children grow up as true Nigerians, not Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba or any other ethnic group in Nigeria. They are already exposed to diverse backgrounds and, therefore, more disposed to tolerate others and build a great Nigeria where there is no gap among the ethnic groups that make up the nation.


Inter-ethnic marriage is one of the best things that can happen in Nigeria. It can foster national unity, religious tolerance, cultural tolerance, reduce ethnic and religious conflict and much more. However, there are challenges which include language barrier, cultural conflict, lack of family acceptance, etc.

Do not forget that change is the only constant thing in life. Sooner or later, ethnic groups will learn to tolerate one another. Inter-ethnic marriage can bring that peace and unity that we have been praying for in Nigeria.

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