Unstoppable Domains and Women in Tech launch world’s first Web3 domain for women at 2024 global summit

Unstoppable Domains and Women in Tech launch world’s first Web3 domain for women at 2024 global summit

The initiative positions Women in Tech Global as the first women’s group to implement its own naming service.

Silicon Valley institution Women in Tech (WIT) has teamed up with Unstoppable Domains, the leading Web3 domain entity, to launch the world’s first Web3 domain for women at the 2024 Women in Tech Global Summit, according to a recent press release shared by Women in Tech.

Each year, a diverse group of leaders from government, business, and civil society join forces at the Women in Tech Global Summit to discuss women’s current status in the technological landscape and set priorities for the forthcoming year. The 2024 edition takes place in Paris on May 6-7 under the High Patronage of President Emmanuel Macron.

As part of the launch, the Women in Tech Global Summit will feature its own Web3 top-level domain (TLD) named “.WITG,” aiming to enhance the event’s digital community and support initiatives for female tech leaders.

As noted, each delegate at the summit can log in using a unique digital identity in the format “Name.WITG”. This allows access to a community platform for networking and educational resources, focusing on topics like blockchain and artificial intelligence.

In addition, the “.WITG” domain will help Women in Tech enhance its global brand and allow community members to become ambassadors. According to the WIT team, the newly launched domain is also part of a broader strategy to empower women through technology, providing tools for success in the digital realm and promoting personal and professional growth.

Ayumi Moore Aoki, Founder and CEO of the Women in Tech Global Summit, expressed the organization’s ongoing commitment to uniting leaders and fostering discussions on global challenges facing women.

“Women in Tech is now firmly established as the global brand for the empowerment of women in our industry, but we can’t rest on our laurels. Thanks to our new partnership with Unstoppable Domains, the 2024 Summit will bring together leaders from government, business, and civil society in a single secure, digital space to discuss the challenges facing women worldwide,” Aoki stated.

They can then access education and training in transformational technologies like blockchain and AI and collaborate to build a better future for women—in the tech space and far beyond,” she added.

Sandy Carter, COO of Unstoppable Domains, believes Web3 domains are a powerful tool for security and fostering positive online communities and interactions.

“The rise of deepfakes and AI-powered malware has made digital identity one of the hottest issues in technology and politics, but web3 domains are about more than combating bad actors,” said Carter. “The genius of Web3 is how it can be harnessed to build and foster new communities, bringing a new era in how organizations engage and interact with their audience.”

As a leading provider of Web3 domain names and digital identity, Unstoppable Domains has previously provided similar services for other high-profile tech events, including helping Austin, Texas, secure a blockchain-powered Web3 domain.

In collaboration with Unstoppable Domains, Women in Tech Global plans to apply for a branded Web2 generic top-level domain (gTLD) with ICANN. The team aims to secure the “.WIT” gTLD in 2026 to further enhance its digital presence and community engagement, all geared towards empowering women in the technology sector.

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