Wizard With a Gun Free Better Together Update Is Coming Out Next Week

Wizard With a Gun Free Better Together Update Is Coming Out Next Week

More Danger Awaits in Wizard With a Gun

Galvanic Games and Devolver Digital have announced the release date for the free Better Together update for Wizard With a Gun. It will be coming out on 13 May on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. This update will finally allow four Gunmancers to team up and battle the forces of Chaos. Please take a look at the trailer below to get a glimpse of the cooperative action that’s on its way.

The Better Together update for Wizard With a Gun will empower you and up to three other gun-wielding wizards to join forces and delve into the Shatter. The only catch is that as your number grows, so too does the strength of the enemies. The chaos will not give in just because your team has more firepower. In fact, more wizards mean more dangers ahead.

It also brings the much-requested difficulty modes to the game. The players can now choose from four different difficulties for their next adventure. This includes Ranger (Easy), Gunslinger (Normal), Sheriff (Hard), and Outlaw (Very Hard). The game will even allow players to create their custom difficulty mode by tweaking several variables.

You can make the enemies stronger and faster, or slower and weaker. Or make the death penalties less or more severe. With this free update next week, Wizard With a Gun will become more accessible for all the players. So, are you excited about these new features?


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