Stocks: A.S. Bryden & Sons Holdings leads today’s winners

Stocks: A.S. Bryden & Sons Holdings leads today’s winners

7:55 pm, Tue April 23, 2024 / assets/img/stories/ display_pic/ default_story_img. jpg The JSE Index lost 1,015 points on Tuesday, while the Junior market decreased by 32 points. 19659004 Amongst the 33 winners were: A.S. Bryden & & Sons Holdings, Mayberry Group, Jamaican Teas, First Rock Real Estate Investments Jamaican dollar shares and centerpiece Entertainment Group. The 54 losers consisted of: MFS Capital Partners, CAC 2000, EduFocal, Proven Group and Lasco Financial Services. Sixteen stocks closed the session, costing the very same cost they began trading. 19659007 remarks powered by Disqus 19659008 share links 19659009 Find out more 19459015

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