Webb Detects Methane Emission from Cool Brown Dwarf

Webb Detects Methane Emission from Cool Brown Dwarf

Astronomers utilizing the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope have actually identified methane emission from CWISEP J193518.59-154620.3 (W1935 for brief), a separated brown dwarf with a temperature level of roughly 482 K. Their findings likewise recommend that W1935 may produce aurorae comparable to those seen on our own world in addition to on Jupiter and Saturn.

An artist’s impression of the brown dwarf W1935. Image credit: NASA/ ESA/ CSA/ L. Hustak, STScI.

W1935 lies around 47 light-years away in the constellation of Sagittarius.

The brown dwarf was co-discovered by Yard Worlds: Planet 9 person science volunteer Dan Caselden and NASA’s CatWISE group.

The mass for W1935 isn’t popular however it likely varies in between 6 and 35 times the mass of Jupiter.

After taking a look at a variety of brown overshadows observed with Webb, Dr. Jackie Faherty from the American Museum of Natural History and associates saw that W1935 looked comparable however with one striking exception: it was releasing methane, something that’s never ever been seen before on a brown dwarf.

“Methane gas is anticipated in huge worlds and brown overshadows however we typically see it taking in light, not radiant,” Dr. Faherty stated.

“We were puzzled about what we were seeing in the beginning however eventually that changed into pure enjoyment at the discovery.”

Computer system modeling yielded another surprise: W1935 likely has a temperature level inversion, a phenomenon in which the environment gets warmer with increasing elevation.

Temperature level inversions can quickly take place to worlds orbiting stars, however the brown dwarf is separated, without any apparent external heat source.

“We were happily surprised when the design plainly forecasted a temperature level inversion,” stated Dr. Ben Burningham, an astronomer at the University of Hertfordshire.

“But we likewise needed to determine where that additional upper environment heat was originating from.”

To examine, the astronomers turned to our Solar System. In specific, they took a look at research studies of Jupiter and Saturn, which both reveal methane emission and have temperature level inversions.

The most likely cause for this function on planetary system giants is aurorae, for that reason, the scientists assumed that they had actually discovered that exact same phenomenon on W1935.

Planetary researchers understand that a person of the significant chauffeurs of aurorae on Jupiter and Saturn are high-energy particles from the Sun that communicate with the worlds’ electromagnetic fields and environments, warming the upper layers.

This is likewise the factor for the aurorae that we see in the world, frequently described as the northern or southern lights considering that they are most amazing near the poles.

With no host star for W1935, a solar wind can not contribute to the description.

There is an attracting extra factor for the aurora in our Solar System.

Both Jupiter and Saturn have active moons that sometimes eject product into area, connect with the worlds, and improve the auroral footprint on those worlds.

Jupiter’s moon Io is the most volcanically active world in the Solar System, gushing lava water fountains lots of miles high, and Saturn’s moon Enceleadus ejects water vapor from its geysers that at the same time freezes and boils when it strikes area.

More observations are required, however the scientists hypothesize that a person description for the aurora on W1935 may be an active, yet-to-be found moon.

“Every time an astronomer points Webb at a things, there’s a possibility of a brand-new astonishing discovery,” Dr. Faherty stated.

“Methane emission was not on my radar when we began this task now that we understand it can be there and the description for it so luring I am continuously on the look-out for it. That’s part of how science progresses.”

A paper on the findings was released in the journal Nature


J.K. Faherty et al2024. Methane emission from a cool brown dwarf. Nature 628, 511-514; doi: 10.1038/ s41586-024-07190-w

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