Video: Zion Shares His Top Five Switch Games Of 2023

Video: Zion Shares His Top Five Switch Games Of 2023

A sea of quality

Ready for another top-five list? Of course, you are.

Recently, the stupendous Felix went through his top five Switch games of 2023, and now it’s Zion’s turn. If you remember what we said in our previous article, there will be no crossover between the lists presented by our wonderful video team, so Zion’s list is going to be completely different from Felix’s.

There are some absolute bangers here, so we won’t spoil it beforehand; just watch the video if you want to find out what Zion has chosen. Tomorrow, we’ll check back to find out what the lovely Alex has chosen for his top five, so you won’t want to miss that one, either.

Based on Felix and Zion’s lists, do you have any predictions?

If you’ve not done so already in our previous article, then be sure to share your own top five Switch games of the year with a comment down below.

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