Electronics exports from Tamil Nadu touch $7.37 billion

Electronics exports from Tamil Nadu touch $7.37 billion

Updated – February 29, 2024 at 10:16 PM.

Tamil Nadu has continued to consolidate its position as India’s leading exporter of electronic goods, with its value touching $7.37 billion — a 32.52 per cent of India’s total export of Global Electronics System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM) goods of $22.65 billion for the period April 2023 to January 2024.

It is significant to note that compared to the export of electronic goods for the previous financial year (2022-2023), which was $5.37 billion, Tamil Nadu has already exported electronic goods worth $7.37 billion in 10 months of the current financial year. The State’s export of electronic goods is expected to reach the $9 billion mark by the end of this Financial Year (2023-2024), says a release.

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